Shane sings 5 octaves on piano

the funniest thing is that he isn't singing any notes higher after 1:00, he just sings the same note louder and louder each time :D And he isn't even singing the same notes he is playing :lol:

note, sung:
C2, D#
D, between E and F
E, between E and F
F, G# dropping to G
G, G#
A, between G# and A
B, A climbing to A#
C3, B
D, D (but flat)
E, D# climbing to slightly flat E
F, F
G, G (flat)
A, G# (sharp)
B, A# (sharp)
C4, between B and C

here is where it starts to go off scale

D, C#
E, D (flat)
F, D#
G, F (flat)
A, G
B, G#
C5, A
D, between B and A#

and this is where he pretty much can't go any higher

E, C
F, C#
G, C#
A, B
B, C
C6, between D and D# and really loud just to make sure you can hear it! :lol:
D, D (flat, and an octave lower)

and now he starts to fall for some reason

E, C (sharp)
F, C
G, C# (and really loud one)
A, C (sharp)
B, C
C7, between B and C (two octaves lower)


This is kinda like those guys at Idols who really suck and I just can't believe no-one has ever told them that or they haven't realized it themselves.
hahahhaahahahahha :lol:

He either knows exactly what he's doing or he's really fucking stupid. There's no middle ground.