Shane, Showcase update?

Or Wig Wam!

I've enjoyed the occasional acoustic thing, like Orphaned Land's, but basically I'm with you on that. zzzzz Crank up the amps!

Someone mentioned the Poodles earlier. Been really getting in to them lately. Would be nice to see them at PP on any night.
Elvenking's idea of "acoustic" ... really.. isn't. TTP was supposed to be an acoustic album, but when you release songs like "Not My Final Song", you might be missing the mark. :lol:

Anyway, open your mind to new things!
Actually, I do plan on buying that album. I'm open to tons of stuff, but I fucking, fucking, fucking hate acoustic shows to hell! Just my opinion.
Kamelot would be even better :)

While that would be freaking awesome, I don't think it likely, unless it coincided with a 16th Ghost Opera tour or something :P (easily one of my favorite bands, but how many times can you tour a CD before doing something else). I hesitate to post my true desire for the showcase bands, as I would hate for the announcement to RAIN on my parade. Stuff like that happens all the TIME.
Would really love to see Seventh amazing up and coming band.

As for returnees, Primal Fear would kick all sorts of ass....especially since they have new product coming out. Always hope for Vanden Plas, but....doubtful.
I dont know if they are allowed back at PP, but another Freak Kitchen set would be fun.

And Primal Fear would diffenitly be worth taking another day off work for.