Shape of Despair


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I don't really see any discussion about these guys around here. Is anyone a fan? I've been into them for about two years now, one of the first "funeral" doom bands I got into. Although I haven't heard their first, I hear it's some of the better stuff. For those of you who like slow, sometimes symphonic, extremely atmospheric, crushing, and highly emotional Finnish doom, definitely check them out.

"Angels of Distress" is great, and "Illusion's Play" is right up there with it. Angels is more constant in being fantastic, but Illusion's Play has a song called "Curse Life" which totally fucking rules me. It has this awesome kantele intro by none other than Mr. Tolonen from Nest.

If you guys want, I'll use this band as my recommendation in March. Just wondering if there were any other fans...
Illusion's Play is wayyyy more atmospheric. The intro song on the album is like 6 minutes of the same riff, and it's really, really, really excellent.
One of my favorites, i like all three albums (angels my favorite). Favorite songs on illusions play are "still motion" and "entwined in misery" (such a crushing song)
If you guys like Shape of despair, you should check out Remembrance, they're from france and play a similar style, not exactly but similar. Album i've heard is 'frail visions'
Their two first albums are about all I (still) need by way of Funeral Doom. "Illusion's Play" was good too, but somehow the magic has evaporated, and no song comes close to the majesty of "Quiet These Paintings Are" or "...To Live for my Death"
AH thanks! Oddly enough I was just going to upload some songs...

everyone listen to "Curse Life", it's their best song I think.
Curse life is a great song. Erik how is this wimpy?! o_O I think i agree with Ellestin though 'Quiet these paintings are' for the win.