Shape Shifter

Will not do that. Respect the band too much to do that :).

it has nothing to do with respecting the band, they're not getting any money off it, only the magazine does, it would be disrespectful if you put the whole album, but one that they themselves are going to put in two or three days days has nothing to do with respect!
Com'on dude, not all of us live in Germany to get that magazine ;)
Will not do that. Respect the band too much to do that :).

No problem. No one is here to make you do something you don't want to do.

I love Amon Amarth. I have purchased physical copies AND legal digital downloads for all of their albums (kind of stupid actually) and I have the uber edition of Deceiver of the Gods pre-ordered. But, I'm impatient as hell. I will find it most difficult to wait until the album arrives to listen to it. I would NEVER upload Amon Amarth's property or any other band's. In this particular case Amon Amarth is promoting their album and the more people that hear their music the better their real sales will be. The magazine, on the other hand, might not be as happy!

Respect my friend and enjoy the song!
What about your wintersunny patience @ thornh?!:lol:

Putting the song on youtube would cause me some inner trouble too. For respect reasons also. As long as I don't know whether that's what they want. On the other hand I feel kind of ashamed here in the forum because if I go to the shop I can listen to it today. So what about sending it by email for those who are dying of impatience? Maybe somebody is ready to do it. On the other hand, yeah, anticipatory pleasure - that's soooo great too....
Well, third comment now. Can't describe, but for me it's not that arresting as other AA songs, at least that's my feeling right now, but yeah it's good in my opinion. Like it very much when they go an octave (?) higher in the chorus (?).
Altogether I also prefer "Deceiver Of The Gods" though. Now I'm waiting for the other songs and still can't hardly wait.
Pleaaaaaaase ppl those who have the song and dont want to share pleaaaase don't tell us until we get to listen to it :( i feel sad! I so much wish i could get that magazine but i can't have it here in Morocco :'( no disrespect guys just that it's hard ready about it and now listening to it :'(
Pleaaaaaaase ppl those who have the song and dont want to share pleaaaase don't tell us until we get to listen to it :( i feel sad! I so much wish i could get that magazine but i can't have it here in Morocco :'( no disrespect guys just that it's hard ready about it and now listening to it :'(

:-( I want to share and I don't want you to be sad! Just can't put it on youtube because my inner voice says: NO! Maybe it's wrong and actually they want people to spread the song, but that's something I don't know.
But come on, time is flying and soon you will have the song anyway.

(Could send you the magazine of course. But don't know how much time delivery needs....)
Have not heard it yet... Respect for you guys for not uploading it, you are just like me. But now I have a small, ehh, big, more fucking large itching for hearing this song!
wow at you guys not uploading's fucking available to the public and you don't know if you should upload it because you don't know if the band wants people to hear it..
wow at you guys not uploading's fucking available to the public and you don't know if you should upload it because you don't know if the band wants people to hear it..

Remember the pre-youtube time when waiting for a new album was even much more exciting than nowadys. Good old times :p
@Brisantni Dude, where's your Buck avatar?! Jari is great but I loved that avatar!

On topic, I'm over Shape Shifter for now. I'll just wait for the album and be happy when I get it!
It's away.:waah: Liked to have this buck on my side but then I was trying to proper adapt to the new forum.:(

edit: He's back. Just a little bit different.
Awesome song! Return of the unchallenged tremolo riff masters. I really dig the production of the album as well, it feels less plastic and less ''modern'' in a way, I think, not that I had ANY complaints with Jens Bogrens work on the previous albums though.

Not long left now :)