Shaq is one tall Mother F'er.


Museum of Anthrax.
Dec 29, 2003
In a house by the beach
I was at the NAMM music conferance this afternoon, and met Shaquille O'Neill. Got to shake his hand. He is so friggen tall when you stand beside him. Oh yeah, hang with Charlie all afternoon, and met Matt from Hatebreed, Jerry from the Misfits, and had a blast. See you all tomorrow at the video shoot.
Not as cool, and definately dated, but here's my story. I worked for Northwest Airlink in Detroit and we flew the small commuter planes into the smaller airports...Well, at any rate, Bill Laimbeer used to fly on these 19 seaters and we had to put him in the center seat in the last row so he could put his legs up the aisle.

Shitty pay but the travel bennies were awesome, and if your a celeb fan you meet a lot of them. Since I was in the smaller airline it wa smaller celebs but the were big in Michigan. Barry Sanders, Gordie Howe, Bob Seger, various Tigers and Pistons and Red Wings. Lots of vibrators in the suitcase stories too, but that's another thread. :err: