ok Billy . i got this figured out (true story)


Internationaly known
Jan 18, 2004
Jeffersonville NY
I figured out that canthraxadian was a SOD fan

Canthraxadian said:
[January 8th, 2004, 08:54 PM #1
Canthraxadian Member Location: Cardiff by the SeaJoin Date: Dec 2003 What ever happened to SOD.com I finally got me a computer. And I remember a few years ago there was a SOD website. Whatever happened to it. Ireally like this site. Billy if you read this, I think you are a genius, and you should run for president. Keep up the good work, and please tour California this year.

and he really liked SOD.com and who could blame him, Billy Milano is a metal god he even kisses Billys ass just a little bit more,

Canthraxadian said:
[January 10th, 2004, 10:13 PM #5
Canthraxadian Member Location: Cardiff by the SeaJoin Date: Dec 2003
Buzzard said:
I had ...........
thanks, again, love BM.com, great site. Keep up the good work, hope to see you on tour out here again

then he went to the NAMM show and met charlie,

Canthraxadian said:
[Canthraxadian Member Location: Cardiff by the SeaJoin Date: Dec 2003 Shaq is one tall Mother F'er.
I was at the NAMM music conferance this afternoon, and met Shaquille O'Neill. Got to shake his hand. He is so friggen tall when you stand beside him. Oh yeah, hang with Charlie all afternoon, and met Matt from Hatebreed, Jerry from the Misfits, and had a blast. See you all tomorrow at the video shoot.

then he went to the NAMM show and met charlie, where the 2 spent the afternoon together. Some would say it was love at first site but Charlie used him like a $2 dollar hooker. Reports from the NAMM show say the charlie would look around and say " wheres my cum dumpster? I need to make a deposit". or " BITCH GET ME A BEER!!! " :rock: :rock: :OMG: :rock: :rock:
Buzzard said:
I think i just heard someone slam dunk a B I O T C H


:worship: :worship: No Billy,your MY hero. you have been since i first heard SOD/MOD with all the heavey riffs that make you want to go fucking nuts. I started playing guitar after i heard that shit Alot of the people i grew up listening to have let me down in the past by changing with the times( ex.
Metallica, anthrax, megadeth as well as guys like Marty freidman and alex skolnick) you have stayed true to metal and anyone who trys to down a metal god like you deserves a brutal beating . :worship: :worship:
And check out this clowns other posts
Does this loser not know who the fuck he is
I think he called Billy a genius in one of his older posts.

Now all of a sudden he's badmouthing you Bill.
Anthrax must be doing a show in Calif and be staying with this pussy.

Either that or there all in Canada taking turns posting shit e-mails to the
one guy they claim to hate but can't stop posting about...Go Figure.

Bottom Line: canthr...whatever is GAY!!!!!!
Canthraxadian said:
You got it all figured out. You must be a genius like the other trailer trash piece of skinhead shit on here. Whats your IQ, 175. Are you in mensa also, because you sure are smart.

I actually love Speak English or Die, one of the greatest albums ever released. USA for MOD another great album, but thats it. Billy is a genius in my opinion, but I can badmouth him anytime I want. Thats my right. If Billy cant take it, to bad for him. He goes on an on and on about integrity, truth, blah blah blah.
Where is his integrity, as soon as you critique him he either censors your post, or gets his webmaster to do the same, talk about a hypocrit. Right there his integrity level goes to zero, and he is no differant than any one on his traitor list. .

Its just sad that someone with Billys talent, and noteriety, spends more time lurking in message boards all day, seeing who posted what about him and bitching about Anthrax, then writing new material, touring, and possibly releasing an album. Whens the Killith Fair Tour happening. I thought it was going to be in November OF LAST YEAR. Wow his world tour consists of 2 shitty shows that will draw less than 500 people max. Ill badmouth Billy as long as I want, thats what he does, thats what he gets. Maybe if he practiced what he preached. Hes a washed up has been, and I guess I just realized that. I wont post here anymore. This site is for racist skinheads, and losers who worship a has been.

dude are you 12? Billy is posting on his own message board and talking with his fans... i for one think thats quite cool and wish more people in the scene would do it. So you are gonna say crap about him wasting time online when all you are doing is spamming his board... who is the bigger loser?

and since you are from canada... im in Ontario all the time... swing by a show in toronto some time and we can discuss it in person if you like.
I think i see the problem ,Dude goes tothe NAmM show, runs in to charlie, sucks his dick for a while , and charlie talked a whole line of shit got this poor boy all riled up! you call the man a genius, then you call him a faggot, what your deal dude? Do you even rellize what the hell your doing?Do you even comprehend what a total jack ass you made of yourself? For a smart family guy with a high IQ you lack total common sence and i feel for your poor wife and kids who will have it rough going through life with a asshole for a husband/father. Stay on the anthrax board write your love letters to scott and charlie and stay there, nobody here wants to hear the shit you have to say .

:rock: :rock:
Lynneaus said:
dude are you 12? Billy is posting on his own message board and talking with his fans... i for one think thats quite cool and wish more people in the scene would do it. So you are gonna say crap about him wasting time online when all you are doing is spamming his board... who is the bigger loser?

and since you are from canada... im in Ontario all the time... swing by a show in toronto some time and we can discuss it in person if you like.

Kick his fuckin ass LYNN-woo hoo.
What's even funnier is that I have the losers pic. wait until you see the next post I am gonna do. It's gonna be great!!!!!!!!!!!!
wwwoooooooo hooooooooooo :hotjump:
"This site is for racist skinheads, and losers who worship a has been."

First of all don't generalize the ppl who post on these message boards. I am not a racist--i hate anyone who is an asshole, regardless of color. And i am far from being a skinhead--I have hair down to my waistline.

I am not a loser either. You obviously are. You have nothing better to do with your time then start up trouble on a message board. You are a coward and use the anonymity of being behind the computer screen to talk shit. Gimme a break already.

I also don't "worship" anyone.

Anthrax was a decent band before Joey left. John Bush was not a good addition to Anthrax. And by the way, i saw Anthrax on one of those late-night talk shows a couple of weeks ago. They did an acoustic version of one of their songs, and it was God-awful. Frank Bello can't sing for shit. They suck now so get over it.

While i don't agree with everything that Billy says, i respect his right to say it. Billy is an icon, which is something you'll never be.