shat this one out, i call it 40 seconds of retarded

dont namedrop music you do not understand.

Why does it matter if I "understand" it? That's what it reminded me of. I'm not saying it's the same thing or anything, as I like this a lot more, but it had some of the good elements of Behold the Arctopus' stuff. If you have a problem with that, I simply don't know what to tell you.
It's because it doesn't even fucking SOUND like behold the arctopus.
there are no elements of that sort of sound here


sounds like fuckin JAAAAAAAAAAAZZ to me

rabid fanboy defense over :)
It's because it doesn't even fucking SOUND like behold the arctopus.
there are no elements of that sort of sound here

sounds like fuckin JAAAAAAAAAAAZZ to me

rabid fanboy defense over :)

Dude, fuck it, we could argue this all day, but really, who the fuck cares? We agree that this song is sick, it just happens to remind me of a band that it doesn't sound like to you. I'm not saying I'm right by any stretch, it's just what I thought of when I heard it.
I am not getting boredoms vibes off joey, but they are pretty cool vibes none the less.
I am not getting boredoms vibes off joey, but they are pretty cool vibes none the less.

I'm Talking about the late 80's early 90's boredoms not so much what there doing today... well more so Yamantaka Eye's vox than the music. Like the work Eye did on some of Zorn's painkiller stuff and Praxis (Sacrifist). But Gareth, I love the fact that you even know who the Boredoms are, and yes there have a really cool vibe!
I'm Talking about the late 80's early 90's boredoms not so much what there doing today... well more so Yamantaka Eye's vox than the music. Like the work Eye did on some of Zorn's painkiller stuff and Praxis (Sacrifist). But Gareth, I love the fact that you even know who the Boredoms are, and yes there have a really cool vibe!

painkiller and praxis are two of my favourite bands. ^_^
I have to be honest and I kinda dig this. What kind of scale stuff do you use on the lead melodies?

hrmm... just variations of minor/major arpeggios, and then for the second guitar i basically replicate the riff higher up the neck, augmented to make majors/minors with the original as appropriate.

again, i cannot play those leads full speed, just tracked it to see if i i've never tried tracking myself with such methodology until now, haha. and the writing/composition was still fun! i'd never try pretending i could play this shit live.