

Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Who are you and what do you do (in the band)?
Jon, bass player and backing vox

Where's the band from?

Who're your major influences?
everyone and no-one

What's your local scene like?
strong, we run a promotions company alongside the band and have a scene of 150-200 people coming to our shows, we promote all types of metal/punk, its called ultimate solution, we’ve had vacant stare, skirtbox and others with a sikth/shellshock night on aug 2nd in chesham coming up

How can people hear your music?
through our website

If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
nirvana because they’re legends, pantera for the aftershow!! And queen.

What's your best gig memory?
uxfest last year was phat!!

What's your worst?

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?

What are you plans for the future?
release our debut single then hopefully an album early next year

What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
‘insight’ at the moment but ‘one track mind’ our single when its done!!

If a label said they'd sign you for a 10 album, multi-million £ deal, providing you got rid of one of your members (you can choose!), would you do it?
no way, we’ll get the deal anyway thanks!

What's your favourite album of all time, and why?
I don’t think you can compare different styles of art, a tool album gives me something different to a rage album but nothing worse….

What was the main reason you became a musician?
to be lazy and to snort coke off ladies tits….na ,to write music obviously.

How would you like to be remembered?
the man with 11 inches

What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!
go away! it comes up all the time when I look for shellshock in search engines and it gets annoying, havent really listened to their music tho’

What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
malibu beach

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
rocksound an terrorizer are cool, kerrang are capitalist monsters.

Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
you wont hear anything like it anywhere else
its so new the cd’s are hot
to open your boundaries

Any message for your fans and the UM masses?
support your local scene and british bands,,,,and come see shellshock live