Skaldic Curse


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Who are you and what do you do (in the band)?
VX ,play guitar

Where's the band from?
London, UK

Who're your major influences?
Scandinavian Black/Death/Voivod etc.

What's your local scene like?
Not bad, couple of decent bands

How can people hear your music?
download from or e-mail us at to order our new demo

If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would it be?
Mayhem, Voivod, Abruptum

What's your best gig memory?
I have no memory

What's your worst?
See above

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?

What are you plans for the future?
Write/ record more music play gigs, retire,

What song of yours should people listen to before any other?
Drowning In Emptiness

If a label said they'd sign you for a 10 album, multi-million £ deal, providing you got rid of one of your members (you can choose!), would you do it?

What's your favourite album of all time, and why?
At The Gates – With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness ,because its pure genius

What was the main reason you became a musician?
To Become Rich, so I can buy the whole fucking world

How would you like to be remembered?
I don’t want to be remembered

What's the first word that comes to mind when you see the word MANOWAR!

What one location in the world would you love to play a gig at?
The North Pole

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which are shit?
Terrorizer is ok (they gave us a feature), I don’t care about the others

Tell us 3 good reasons why people should listen to you?
1)They’re bored of listening to shit bands 2)They’re bored of listening to shit music 3)They’re bored of their shit lives

Any message for your fans and the UM masses?
One of the best sincere UK bands around at the moment (although not so sincere after this haha), along with Centurion's Ghost etc