Sherinian on Enchant?

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Hello folks!

I read the latest Interview with Doug that was put into the site, and at the ending of the really good talk Igor (the interviewer) asked doug of the possibility of a keyboard player like Derek Sherinian of someone like him joing the band.

Doug, I really like Derek and his style and songs, mainly with Dream Theater, so I would like to ask you, there is really the possibility to contact Derek?? If there is please, do it, Derek as far as I know is only with Planet X and could do the job on Enchant!


Sherinian? Apart from the fact that I didn`t like the stuff he played, when he played in Dream Theater (Ok, his solo album "INERTIA" is awesome!!!!) I don`t think that he could be THE man... This guy has to be payed and I think that he is quite expensive... :(
I would definitely prefer Kevin Moore, but I think that this name isn´t realistic either, because he is currently involved in a new Soupergroup project (Just visit the Insieout-page for more details!)
However, both artists are at the Insideout lable. Perhaps the guys at Insideout can put in a good word for Enchant.:)



Both of them are awesome keyboard players, in fact I would love if any of them could join the band.
I know that Derek and Kevin are "famous" players but I dont believe that the possibily of joing Enchant isnt a realistic possibility.

Kevin´s supergroup will be fantastic, I can bet, but dont forget that Jim Matheos and Portoy are on the group, and it makes any group a superone! ;) ))


I don't mean to be rude but IMHO Derek Sherinian has definitely nothing to do in Enchant !

Maybe I'm wrong but I think his personality wouldn't fit in Enchant... I remember Mike Portnoy once saying that eventhough he's a great musician his personality and his influences (Yes, Alice Cooper, Kiss, Frampton & Ozzy to name a few) haven't mix very well with Petrucci & co.

So I really think - and with my respect towards Derek - that Sherinian is not the man…_Besides he's now in Yngwie "Fatman" Malmsteen's Rising Force so I seriously doubt that Yngwie would let him involved in another band

Ze Dan

Hi folks,

I agree with you that he is a difficult person but I really love his musical talents and way to play keyboads.

If he is THE man to Enchant of not, we cannot tell, just because he didnt joined th band, composed any songs with them and each of us has own opinions, names of keyboard players...of THE man who will help the band in the future.

Hope the Band have some news asap to us!

As a keyboard player, I have to say that Kevin Moore is really good. Derek Sherinian is good on album, but I was disappointed when I saw him with Dream Theater live...didn't reproduce the stuff well. This of course could have been a one-time thing.

As for his taste though, I don't see any problem with it! What's wrong with Yes, Alice Cooper or Ozzy? I listen to all these artists as well as Enchant with no problem. Alice Cooper in particular is one of my all-time favorites. He has shown more versatilty over the years than many other progressive bands.

Don't get me wrong man I'll never spit on Yes, Alice Cooper or Ozzy. I meant here his main influences didn't fit with Portnoy's influences and the other members's influences as well I mean here except for Yes that Alice & Ozzy aren't Dream Theater's main influences. :)

Ze Dan

What about Rick Wakeman as the new (old) guy!:lol:
No, not really!

Let my take over the role of the clairvoyant:
The new guy will be none of the previously mentioned persons!
I bet it is going to be a complete noname, from a completely noname band! And this guy will blow our heads off!8o

(If you need any predictions for the next football game results or any advise on horse-betting, greyhoundbetting (?), etc., call me :rollin: )

Derek is already going to be on tour this fall:

I am not sure he would have time or fit well with Enchant.

Kevin Moore is not much for touring..has Chroma Key ever played 1 live show?..he did play with ON I believe..but was not a member, and declined to tour with Fates Warning on the past 2 tours (granted, doing that might make him feel/ or give the impression he was IN the band, and yet he wrote none of that material, Jim did.). I just can't see him joining, it would be a treat, but Kevin i get the sense leads a very secluded private life overall, and touring was 1 reason he left Dream Theater in the 1st place. I think he does, or at 1 time did live on an Island...or somewhere isolated, maybe Tahiti..forget.

The names that come to my mind are:

The Yes list:

Tom Brislin- from YOU WERE SPRIRALING who played last year on Yes's Symphonic tour.

Igor Khoroshev- former Yes keyboard player

Patrick Moraaz- best known for the work he did on Yes's Relayer album.

Vinnie Fontanetta- of the recently broken up band Without Warning.

Shaun Michaud- from Event (whose also on I/O records btw). He played keys/guitar with Fates Warning on their last tour.

Jens Johansson- solo keyboardist who auditioned for Dream Theater when Kevin Moore left, and plays for Stratovarious.


I will enjoy too if any of those players joined Enchant, but Jens??? Jens is a good speed player but in my opinion he has nothing in common with Enchant, with Dream Theater much less.
I dont like his way of playing, most of the time using the same patch. The albuns that he has released outside Stratovarius, still sound like the band.