Shining Force 3

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I have a question for all the die hard gamers on here. Does Shining Force 3 match up well to the first 2 editions of the game for the genesis? I really want to play Shining Force. But I only own a saturn. So this is quite the dilemma!!!

Also does anyone know if the saturn is japanese ready. Or do I have to get a mod chip installed to play japanese import games?!?!?

My video game acumen is below par, so I request the help of the enlightened ;)
I'd imagine you'd have to mod it, I don' think ANY systems come ready to play Japanese games.

As far as the actual game, I never got to play and would have loved too. I wasn't even aware there was a third til around this year heh.
The games seperated into 3 scenarios... the first you can attain in English, though its a pretty rare find. The second two are only in Japanese. There is a premium disc you can get with all 3 scenarios, I dunno if its all in English though, and its INCREDIBLY rare.
Its fucking amazing... I played the second one years ago on genesis, but i have to say 3 just blows it away. It has more complexities to it, such as weaknesses, strengths, and friendship effects in battles. Sadly since I don't read japanese I never got to play the 2nd or 3rd scenario. there is a special type of white saturn that plays all types of games. is that price you just mentioned on Ebay? I think you can get it for less there. i'd say it depends how much you like RPGs... Panzer Dragoon Saga is definitely worth that much on a side note.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Yea Tanith I know where to get the first one. But it's priced at $119 U.S dollars. Is the game worth that kind of change?

Oh its absolutely brilliant, but I'm sure you'll be able to get an illegal copy... all you need is a chipped Saturn or a Saturn emulator... the latter is probably easier to get hold of, but difficult to configure.

If you're not into that though i'm sure you'll be able to find a cheaper copy of the game. If you need help on the matter, head over to the forums at , there's loads of people over there who'll probably be able to help you out.
Thnx for the info Tanith, you have been very helpful. :)

@ Phrozenspite...The $119 is the price sells it for. The problem with ebay is, that I fucked up my paypal account. (lost the pw, and I need to fax documents for them to give me a new one or some shit. And I don't even want to bother with that. I'll try to find it for cheaper though. But if this game is anywhere near as good as the original Suikoden or final fantasy tactics, then a $120 won't be a waste of money.