Ghost Recon (PC) Appreciation Thread


Boogies Woogies
Nov 27, 2002
MillPark, Victoria, Australia
I've had this game for about a year or so now and god damn! multiplayer fucking rules!

I use to play only Team vs Team Last Man Standing and Siege but then I discovered this awesome Coop only server which is alot more fun because the missions are way hard and you really have to work as a team.

Not to mention the mods, un-officially there would have to be about 10 new expansion packs, the game just keeps staying fresh with each new mod.

pretty cool game, the only downfall is Single Player where your AI is dumb as(gets stuck behind doors etc), but other than that its fucking king when it comes to realistic shooters.

Does Anyone else play it online?
if u have it on PC head over to and check out the mods in the Download section, I highly reccomend the Weapons of War mod which comes in two versions, V.2 and V.3, best weapons ever, espicially the M4 SOPMOD.