Shit your boss does that drives you mad.

Manager fires a co-worker of nearly 10 years for attendance (co-workers fault), however the manager fails to actually notify us and mid week asks for us to clean "this" desk off with no mention of the co-workers name or situation. There is no posting for the position so our workload just increased by 33%. My counterpart on nights gets to walk into a backlog of work 52 hours old every Monday and what he can't do we must.
Ask me to go to her office just to create a new folder on the desktop was pretty epic.

:lol: I almost got one as good as that.

My boss leaves me a note to copy some shit (3 pages, needed 2 copies of each) and leave it on her file. The copier is less than (and I am not joking) 5 feet from her desk.

Other stuff includes leaving me a note asking me how many days are left on "x" (sorry HIPPA shit) when all she has to do is go into the room and open the book and look for herself.

Mostly though what drives me nuts is her micro management. Good lord I hate being told my responsibilities numerous times through a note every week (I have been here for 5 year, I know what shit has to get done).

The only other thing is the in ability to understand why she makes so much and does so little. :lol::Puke:
My boss makes my job 100% times harder, if she gets the remote hint that I'm helping a customer and working the system (not breaking the rules, or bending them, just working around them) she jumps in and fucks it all up - and then gets on my back when I don't smash my targets every week.
haven't had a boss in years, but i only ever had problems with bosses when they were female... and the two of you above that seem to have the worst issues are indicating female bosses.

i'm not sexist, i believe in equal compensation and advancement oppurtunity in any field, based on performance and how one handles oneself in both high pressure AND low pressure situations... but for some reason for the 9 years or so that i did work under a boss or supervisor, the worst have always been women.

here's my observances regarding the disparity between male and female bosses/supervisors/managers/authority figures.....

1 - they are mean, ruthless, compassionless, and vindictive when they feel they are in a position of strength and non-reproachable. not sure if it's overcompensation or what, but things that will simply get you spoken to by a male superior will tend to you get you scolded fiercely and punished in the strongest way available to a female boss; written up, demoted, moved to undesirable project, and any other censure or action available to them. they are just far more harsh in general. don't even get me started on the micro-management issue.

2 - when THEY are the ones that have been reprimanded by their own superiors and caught at something they shouldn't have been doing... or just screw something up... they cry. fall apart.... and want sympathy and understanding. THEY create a double-standard for themselves.

3 - and finally.... they always fall in love with someone, and it ALWAYS makes your office/warehouse politics and vibe way more tense than it should be. of course they would not allow their underlings love lives or feelings to interfere with work or to impinge any other employee's time or productivity... but yet it's something iv'e seen over and over with female "bosses" under about 45 yrs of age.

apologies to any women/girls here on the forum. feel free to either reprimand me harshly, fall to tears, or fall in love with me for my words. ;):lol:
When my boss waits till the last second to close down the store and then I have to wait for like a half an hour before I can fucking leave.

I also hate when I ask someone if they need help, they say no so I walk away, two minutes later my boss walks by with a customer being unhelped and me standing there like I'm not doin jack diddle.y
I also hate when I ask someone if they need help, they say no so I walk away, two minutes later my boss walks by with a customer being unhelped and me standing there like I'm not doin jack diddle.y

Oh so I'm not the only one? :hypno:

Ok, let's list some here (including my snide regard earlier about him coming to work..)

- Every fucking holiday, day-off, vacations, you name it, is a struggle and a half.

- Everytime I start something it takes less than five minutes for him to come along and order me to do something that anyone else (including himself) could have done already. Then complains why there isn't anything getting done.

- Drives away customers by being a stubborn prick. Sometimes it would be more beneficial in the long run just to suck it up and give the money back (for instance).

- Racist.

- Your average hobbyist/musician (that constitute the most of our clientele) is worth nothing, but school teachers, "artists" (ie. classical), church organists and the like get the red-carpet treatment. Guess who are usually the more relaxed and fun to be of service to?

There's more but.. you have to be there, man.. you have to be there.. :ill:
3 - and finally.... they always fall in love with someone, and it ALWAYS makes your office/warehouse politics and vibe way more tense than it should be. of course they would not allow their underlings love lives or feelings to interfere with work or to impinge any other employee's time or productivity... but yet it's something iv'e seen over and over with female "bosses" under about 45 yrs of age.

That's my wife's boss. She is fucking the owner (she is the supervisor). Obviously since the owner is a tool (I met him once, what a fuckwad) this pretty much makes her in the position of being able to do nothing wrong. Funny thing is others have asked her if they can do things for her (because she is also an incompetent fuck and has been ragged out by customers on several occasions for not "acting as the manager") and she has been threatened by this. She constantly puts things onto other people making the situation uncomfortable (she wanted to put shopping for a new reservation computer system on my wife :rolleyes:) and creating a high tension situation where you get worried about being the scape goat, because you are.

Needless to say I have been raggin on her to get a new job because the people in charge at that place suck.
Oh so I'm not the only one? :hypno:

Ok, let's list some here (including my snide regard earlier about him coming to work..)

- Every fucking holiday, day-off, vacations, you name it, is a struggle and a half.

- Everytime I start something it takes less than five minutes for him to come along and order me to do something that anyone else (including himself) could have done already. Then complains why there isn't anything getting done.

- Drives away customers by being a stubborn prick. Sometimes it would be more beneficial in the long run just to suck it up and give the money back (for instance).

- Racist.

- Your average hobbyist/musician (that constitute the most of our clientele) is worth nothing, but school teachers, "artists" (ie. classical), church organists and the like get the red-carpet treatment. Guess who are usually the more relaxed and fun to be of service to?

There's more but.. you have to be there, man.. you have to be there.. :ill:

Where do you work? Fuck retail, I swear to God I will never do that horse shit again. I once had to help a lady in k-mart pick out vaccum and she took up LITERALLY 1 hour of my time asking me stupid fuck questions about shit I didn't know. I wanted to piss on her.

Then I got called up front after she bought it to assist her for a carry out. It was the vacuum.

She did tip me $5 for the trouble though and I definitely took that shit (fuck your policy k-mart).
1) She says "It is what it is" all the time to mean "I can't be arsed to worry about the system problem you just identified."

2) If I'm out of the office sick or on leave, she forwards all my emails to other employees, but not as individual messages. She selects 10 to 25 incoming emails and makes them attachments to a single outgoing email. So when I get back, I have to go in and 'reconstruct' what became of each individual email so that there will be a searchable record of what became of them. It usually takes me longer than it would have to handle three days of unread email from scratch. I want to tell, "Just don't fucking touch anything while I'm gone", but no, that would be poor Customer Service.

3) She was out on maternity leave for two months. Which was great. I had no direct supervisor that whole time. But then she came back. :erk:
1) I ask daily when a truckload of material needs to ship and am told "I'll find out." "They're not ready for it." "Wednesday." only to walk into the office on Tuesday and hear "Dude, that truck's gotta leave right now, I'm not kidding, there's a crane onsite that's costing me $1500 and hour and I'm not paying guys to stand around...etc!!!" From zero to EMERGENCY in 0 seconds flat.

2) This is just going to be sort of stream of consciousness here, but imagine this off and on all day from everyone in the office...Ahem: how do I open this file? my print job didn't go through. I created a shortcut then deleted it now both the original and the shortcut are gone. please backup the system so I can install a new program. can I install this program? how do you highlight a line of text in Word? please research replacement parts for the 40 year old plasma machine in the shop. (then, after presenting carefully priced options) nevermind, I told my neighbor he could have it.

3) Some items that I need to buy (I'm the purchasing guy for a steel fabricator) have be manufactured or sheared/formed by other vendors who have multiple customers and lead times just like we do. I get a set of drawings, do my takeoff, order the material, and issue cutlists to the shop. Best to figure 3-5 working days for most formed items. It never fucking fails that I do my buying on one day and have project managers crawling up my ass the next for stuff that's a week out. PM: "Whaddya mean those 20 pieces of tube steel won't be rolled until next week? I told the general we'd be onsite with them today!!!" Me: "Why would you tell them that? We've done this 100 times before and it always take the same damned amount of time to do this kind of part." PM: "Dude, you're killing me." Me: "Uh, well, sorry." Then comes my favorite part. PM: "Call them up and tell them I want my fucking parts TODAY." Me: "You mean the same way that our customers try to put the rush on us and you laugh at them and tell them shit'll be done when it's done? Ok, let me get right on ruining my vendor relationships by coming off like a prick."
Interesting, indeed, that most of the guys with boss-related problems have female bosses. Good thing I don't have one, though the tuner would be useful.