Shitty power source or...?


Oct 7, 2009
There is some gnarly, angry buzzing coming through my pickups. I assume it's there on all my mic tracks but it becomes much more pronounced on overdriven guitar (durp). Louder with active pickups and higher gain than passive pickups and lower gain, etc.

It's nonexistant until I plug my guitar into the amp so I assume that it's the pickups.

Everything is running through one Furman power conditioner so it shouldn't be a ground loop problem; however, the noise is still there if I just plug my amp directly into the wall socket. Tried a few sockets in the basement with the same result; I'll try out the upstairs when I get home today but this is bugging me.

We're booked up on recording for the next 6 months solid and me and my business partner just moved into the house. We've tracked drums here and we didn't notice any noise in the background, just high gain guitars bring out the noise.

In the end it's not a big deal to do DI's somewhere else and then reamp them at our studio, we've done it before.

Any ideas would be greatly welcome! We own the house so it's not a big deal to do some wiring.
i would imagine its either your cables or your guitar. Because it happens with both active pickups and passive pickups I would blame the cables. Either that or you have a lot of stray EMF radiation in the room.
Yeah thanks guys, I've got a whole list of shit to try out. I really doubt it's the cables however, they're all brand new and high quality; hell I've even switched them out just to be sure. No CRT monitors in the house.

We'll start off by flipping a couple breakers to see if maybe we can narrow it down some!