Shoe Thread (As Promised)


Here's some of my shoes. The two bins behind them are full of shoes also

Here's my 2 newest pairs.



Shoes make me happy:)
My mostly African friend's very African father has a bizarre fetish for buying shoes. It's far funnier to hear than to read, what with his strong Zambian accent.
i don't really spazz on the shoes, and when i do it's for cheap ones.

thusfar, i own a pair of black vans tennis shoes, a beat up pair of black DCs skater shoes, a pair of random tennis shoes i wear to the gym, this pair of black dress velvety dress sandals with the thick soles and straps ($2 at a school rummage sale!), black flip-flops, and a pair of fancy black heels that i value more than my life.
I have a pair of boots, a pair of skate shoes, a pair of running shoes, and a pair of golf shoes and a pair of flip-flops. I wear the skate shoes about 95% of the time unless it's summer. Then it's flip-flop mania!
you guys got no shoe game



my most recent.

also got a pair of oldschool model red and black nikes, blue and yellow, low top oldschool vans, throwback leather pony's, two pairs of airwalks, sketchers running shows and black timberland boots.
Oh, and I think that open toed shoes are both disgusting and horrendously inadequet as footware.
I have 3 pairs of dress shoes, 2 dress boots, 2 casual boots, 4 sneakers, 2 casual slip ons, and 2 sandals (this was compiled over the past couple of years though)
I have a lot of shoes : cheap and expensive, high hilled and flat, sporty and elegant. I wil maybe post some pics later.