Should Amon move back in time, move forward, or continue in the same golden era?


New Metal Member
Jul 3, 2007
I'm not thinking about the musical style but the lyrical themes. I think it would be interesting for instance to hear a song about the battle at teutoburger wald in 9 ce. There are many colourful fates and events surrounding that battle; Arminius remembrance of his germanic roots, Varus faulty tactic, the ambush and defeat of the three roman legions, the capture of the imperial eagles and Augustus cry for his legions. Amon could also move further back in time and sing about the urheimat of the indo-europeans and perhaps about the hyperborean times. The time before the ice-age when some believe that northern europeans lived at the snow free northpole. Songs about the spartans wouldn't be bad either. Obviously it becomes more controversial when one sings about battles between germanics and people who were not completely germanic or not germanic at all. The roman patricians were of course to a great extent germanic and todays italians are also very close to germanics in culture and norms. It would obviously be much more controversial to sing about the indo-european conquest of India and the introduction of new gods there. Another thing is of course credibility. Can a viking band sing convincingly about indo-european history or other indo-european tribes? Well, why not?

Moving forward in time would probably be more difficult to pull of but not impossible.

Cheers from a swedish fan!
If you are loooking for a band that sings/writes about ancient Europa and does it well, then I can only suggest that you check out Ancient Rites. Maybe you know of them?
I think AA should stick with what they do or move their theme to other viking related grounds in Northern Europe. The scandinavian folklore is rich enough for them to write many more albums.

Besides, I don't know what a genius like Thucydites would say if a bunch of vikings sang about the Peloponnesian wars.
Furthermore, what you are pointing to, are not era related. Spartan wars were almost 900-1000 years before the vikings.
Let these swedes stick to Vikings.
Its already complicated enough with spanish, french or mexicans singing about vikings, germans singing about celts or romans, americans singing about greeks and whatnot. :D
Well I love all their stuff so far, so I will listen and buy their stuff until they decide to go on tour with an orchastera ;)

I'm still amazed how much I love their stuff so far, I haven't felt like this about a band since high school, so almost mythical too :oops:
I think they could pull off anything they felt like, as long Johan doesn't try to sing clean. :p

Hahaha. MY friend and I were just discussing what Johan would sound like singing clean, and how drunk you'd have to get him to do it. :p I can't even imagine it