Should I buy 6505+mesa cab=400$ ?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
Some guy on craigslist is literally selling a 6505 head and mesa cab for 400$.

Is that a steal? I have a bonus check setting in my drawer, which could cover that, i'm not necessarily touring right now or anything like that, but it could sit in my garage til im at that point,

what do you guys think? is this a good price, I'm afraid that if i dont get then in a year id want one, but id have to spend much more for the same equipment.
yea im texting the guy as we speak, sounds way too good to be true, i need to find out if its a 4x12 cab, ad says " 6505 and mesa cab little bit of wear in the cab but doesn't affect the sound. 400$, need money asap" so still waiting on a response.

called and response. probably a scam :(