Should i change my Gibson Custom pickups?


New Metal Member
Jan 6, 2012
Hi everyone!"

Hope it's the right place for my question!

I've got a Gibson Custom Alpine White, and i think that it's pickups aren't enough for that genre. I mean, when i hear some metal guitar sound (in particular metalcore and deathcore, KSE and Feared above all) i hear low end tones (i've also listened to some raw guitar tracks!). When i record with my own amp, a Mesa Boogie Mark V, having the same Ola Englund's (Feared's guitarist) settings, i feel that something's wrong . It isn't punchy enough, it's not enough tight, and there are some noises that derives from the guitar itself. I tried to add a low pass filter on logic, cutting some high frequences, but the problem is still the same. Should i change my pickups? Should i put in some new Seymour Duncan like the Distortion, or the Duncan Custom or a lighter JB? Hope you'll help me!

I'm looking for that sound! ->

(See? Same amp head, same settings! The only difference is that i've got a cab with two Eminence The Governor)

Stay BROOODALZ :devil:
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I've never been a fan of Gibson pickups, I've got 9 Les Paul's and none of them have the stock pickups.

I don't really play anything too brutal tho, my band is more Van Halen/Skid Row than the brootz. For what it's worth, most of mine have Suhr Aldriches, JB/59's, or a couple different flavours of Bareknuckle.
Yeah, ok! So what do you suggest? I love Seymour Duncan P.U., and i prefer the passive ones. I play Modern Hard Rock in my band but i'm going to play Death/Metalcore (so mid scooped tight distorted tone) in a new one. I need a Pickups that fits both the genre!
Yes, the cab and speakers will make a HUGE difference. Probably a good 25% of the sound right there.
What if i only change the speakers? Or maybe only one of them... it can be a mixed tone, and if i don't like it i can change the other one... What's your suggestion? To buy a new cabinet or just to change the single speakers? My own cabinet is a custom one made by an italian company that build them with siberian birch so nothing like a simple plywood...
can it have something to do with the fact that i can't crank the volume up? When i'm at home i usually play with the main volume at 8 o clock, and in live situation i usually like the sound i hear...