Should I change my username?

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
I will lose my post count & everything and I'm known as Troops.... but I feel I have outgrown the name The Trooper. I wanna go by my new glam name Trixxi Trash. This is what I'll be known as by the world in a few years when you turn on Celebrities Uncensored and hear "...bad boy rocker Trixxi Trash was arrested once again on Sunset Strip..." as I stuble around Sunset in semi-drag wasted with a bottle of Jack in my hand and a cheap stripper clinging to my arm while I'm being arrested for disturbing the peace or something haha! Or maybe "Rocker Trixxi Trash found dead in Los Angeles hotel room at 25 years old..." :lol:

But anyway, I digress haha. Should I change it? Don't you think I'm more of a Trixxi than a Trooper? :lol:
Hahahaha Baron Goatsblood!!

I think I will change it, thanks for the advice guys & for the link Koich :) I didn't even know you could request a name change haha. Don't worry Sydo.. the spirit of Trooper shall live on haha!
Spruce Goose said:
I only just realised that that is you in the photo.


You are one messed up motherfucka dude. More power to ya :headbang:
:lol: :lol:

Who did you think it was? Haha! I ain't messed up haha, just in a timewarp :lol: