What's a better stagename?

I've got it, Troops. Best. Name. Ever.

Trixxi Tranny Trent.

* Trixxi cos you seem to like it, even though it's the name of Lou's wife from Neighbours.

* Tranny cos people will think you're a transexual or, at least, a transvestite.

* Trent, cos it's your name.

Or what about Wee Willie Wilson? Or Pretty Boy Trent? Or how about a death metal name just to be different? "And on lead guitar, the man all the guys want to be and all the girls want to be with, BARON GOATSBLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!"
I don't like the sound of Wee Willy... might turn off my potential groupies hahahaha! I do like Baron Goatsblood though HAHAHAHAHA!