In what could be the most exciting, controversial and downright hilarious 20 Questions we've seen at UM Sludge, we decided to ask our own glam superstar Trixxi Trash to contribute, and he did a fairly good job. We were wrong about the exciting, controversial and downright hilarious part, but we did get answers to our 20 questions, which I guess we have to make do with.
1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to plug your tours, websites, albums, etc.
Still on a high from 3 days of KISS mayhem and met Eric Singer! Trying to get a sleaze/glam band happening at the moment, been rehearsing in an '80s hair metal tribute show but having problems there, looking at an AOR project happening soon too with members of another local band, working on a feature film and might be doing some video clip work soon. This stuff doesn't pay though, maybe I will apply for a job at KISS World!
2. Hypothetical question: Paul Stanley and Vinnie Vincent offer to have a threeway with you. Catch is that you have to spend twenty minutes getting some loving from Gene Simmons beforehand. Do you do it?
Sometimes you gotta put up with the bad to get to the good!
Nah seriously though, my love for Paul & Vinnie which some have called "creepy" is purely non-sexual and innocent. I think...
3. When did you realize that you were a glam metal warrior in waiting?
I can thank KISS for that. Actually it stems back to when I was about 9 and I used to play air guitar along to Bon Jovi and draw Richie's guitars. But the moment I really knew rock & roll was gonna be the focus of my life was when I saw my first KISS show in 1997 when I was 14. When I saw Ace's guitar solo after "Shock Me" I knew I had to pick up the guitar and when I started watching all their videos I knew rock & roll was gonna be my life! They just captured everything great about it and it captured my imagination!
4. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?
A week ago I may have said KISS because I don't agree with how the band has been run the last few years. But they shocked me last week with 3 fantastic shows that blew me away (last year's show disappointed me heaps) and a great new setlist. They also completely won over some friends who had never seen KISS before and blew them away, so as long as they are still that good live, why quit? Keep at it! You still put on a better show than everyone else so you're still worthy of taking my money!
So I'd have to say Guns N Roses. For obvious reasons. Axl plus 4 nobodies who look like Marilyn Manson band rejects is not Guns N Roses and you don't even show up for your concerts. Give it up! Skid Row too coz without Sebastian it's not Skid Row.
5. Rate the following rock stars on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being Lord Tim and 10 being Trixxi Trash.
Hahaha "1 being Lord Tim and 10 being Trixxi Trash" that's hilarious!
Bret Michaels - 10!!! One of my all time biggest heroes! Not the greatest singer but I like his voice, GREAT frontman, great writer, great look, and he's stayed true to his rock & roll roots the whole time! Love him! An inspiration to me.
Stephen Pearcy - 6. Not the best singer or frontman but I love his voice coz its so sleazy, he had cool attitude, and his is the key ingredient to one of my all time favourite bands!
Mark Slaughter - 6. I like his voice and I love Slaughter, but he's not the best frontman around. He gets points for being in Vinnie Vincent Invasion but then loses them again because he replaced a far better singer. Not very wild or rock starrish person either but yeah I like his voice & Slaughter rock.
Jim Gillette - 9! This man had THE most unreal hair in rock, shattered glass on stage with his voice which is the highest I've ever heard, played in the most over the top and loudest metal band ever who once made a venue's roof cave in because of the volume, he married Lita Ford, and was once in Tuff. If that doesn't deserve at least a 9, what does!!!
Jani Lane - 9 back in the day. He was a great singer and writer, had a great look, married Bobbie Brown and was one of the best frontmen I've seen on DRFSR Live. And DRFSR is one of the best albums of the era. But in the last 10 years I give him a 1 for turning his back on the music & fans that got him there, turning Warrant into a grunge band and letting himself turn into how he is now.
Vince Neil - 10! Ultimate rock star! He had the whole package, the voice, the attitude, the look, great frontman, the wild stories, everything! And the only reason he's gone downhill since is because the excesses of rock & roll took their toll!
Sebastian Bach - 8. Best voice in metal, awesome frontman, awesome look, mega KISS fan. He loses points because I despise him as a person.
Marq Torien - 7. David Lee Roth's long lost love child! Same attitude & flamboyance with an even better voice, great frontman and the first Bulletboys album is a killer! One of the best albums from the era.
Tom Keifer - 4. "Night Songs" is one of the best albums and he sounds great live and they were very tight but after that he decided to be a blues man and ruined Cinderella.
Bruce Dickinson - 8. Brilliant voice & awesome frontman! Loses a couple of points for going grungy in the mid-90s and for cutting his hair haha!
Sammi Curr - 10+!! HAHAHA! He brainwashed a metal kid through backwards messages to slaughter everyone at his high school, killed people by shooting rockets out of his guitar and killed a TV preacher played by Ozzy Osbourne - how cool is that! And his albums that get mentioned are called Burning Metal and Fuck With Fire! Hahaha!
6. Who deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
Axl Rose. No explanation even needed here. Somebody put him out of his misery.
7. How does it feel idolizing stars that have hair extensions that are older than you?
Hahahaha! Doesn't bother me! Good on 'em, nothing wrong with looking the best you can! I'd rather see a band who look cool even if its fake, than a band who looks boring as hell because they don't wanna be teased. Bret looks awesome, and I'd much rather see him with extensions than bald! (If ya wanna see something funny though: haha!)
8. If you were a member of Kiss what would your character be?
This is a hard one! I'm also really into horror movies as well so probably something along those lines but not a demon like Gene. Maybe something like a psycho sex murderer! Haha! Dunno what the makeup would be though haha! Maybe just the trashy glam dude of the band!
9. Give your thoughts on the following albums:
Guns N Roses, Appetite for Destruction - One of the best. Fresh, raw, full of energy, something really authentic about it. Alot of bands tried to copy it but none could do it as well.
Poison, Look What the Cat Dragged In - Ultimate party album! Raw LA glam! And NOT the bubblegum pop-metal (don't get me wrong I love that too!) that they are known for coz of their next 2 albums. This is authentic, dirty, fun Sunset Strip sleaze glam!
Kiss, Crazy Nights - UNDERRATED and one of the best KISS records by far! Only one filler on the entire disc ("No No No") and the rest is GOLD! 7 killer ultra-melodic Paul Stanley songs and 3 Gene tracks are even good this time!
Europe, The Final Countdown - Overrated. "Prisoners In Paradise" is their finest hour. But this has some good tracks too like "Heart Of Stone", great song.
Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet - One of the best ever. Explosive arena rock at its finest. The songs, the hooks, the musicianship & the production are perfect from start to finish. Tons of great hits & the non-singles are awesome too. Not a weak spot anywhere.
Skid Row, Skid Row - Their best I think. Really rocks hard, excellent no frills hard rock with great songs & vocals.
Def Leppard, Hysteria - Another of the greatest albums of all time. Best twin guitar performance ever is on this album in my opinion. The textures Phil & Steve create particularly on songs like Animal and the title track are unbelievable, the hooks are great, awesome backing vocals, just a great achievement!
Motley Crue, Girls Girls Girls - Their worst '80s album. Has three KILLER tracks which are the singles and the rest is all filler. Tired & uninspired, the magic was gone.
Vinnie Vincent Invasion, All Systems Go - Great album. Nowhere near as great as the awesome debut, my favourite album ever, but a great melodic hard rock album all the same. The sleazier tracks lack something because of the watered down production but the melodic tracks are awesome, Vinnie is the man! What a songwriter!
LA Guns, Hollywood Vampires - More mature release again here, not really a fan of it. LA Guns to me is their debut then they went way downhill. Never a band with good musicianship, vocals or songs. But the debut had a killer attitude & vibe that made it special, later albums didn't.
Ratt, Out of the Cellar - GREAT debut! Most people pick this as easily the best Ratt album but personally I think it was just the start of a string of consistently great albums and out of the first 5, I have 4 equal favourites! (Reach For The Sky is the least fave but still a killer!) Unreal album, like everything else they did between 1984-1990! Best band in LA along with Motley Crue, hands down!
10. The last of Trixxi Trash. When was the last time you:
Listened to an album from before 1974 or after 1992: Hahaha! Alive III by KISS today! That's 1993! WOOOO! Also been listening to "Arcade" featuring Stephen Pearcy & Fred Coury alot lately, also 1993.
Were at the drive-in, in the old man's Ford: I think it was that same night I also went behind some bushes and screamed for more...
Signed a girl's breast: Bruce Kulick signed one right next to me this year haha.
Got a tattoo: Don't have any yet. Gonna get my upper arms done with KISS tats when I can afford it.
Got your bikini zone waxed: Hahahaha! I wanna become a bikini waxer, that'd be a rockin' job!
Trashed a hotel room: Never but almost wasn't allowed to stay in one recently coz I went with a band and the owner of the motel thought we would! "Last band who stayed here had women and loud music all night and wrote girls' names all over walls!"
Slept with a porn star: Do strippers count? Hahaha!
Used heroin: I stay clear of drugs, except alcohol of course.
Rock rocked til you dropped, rock rocked never stopped: Last week with 3 KISS shows and an after party!
11. Where did the name Trixxi Trash come from?
My name is Trent and originally I thought I'd make my glam stage name in my band Trent Trixx haha. Then everybody started calling me Trixxi and it pretty much became like a nickname from some people so I thought I'd go one step further and make it Trixxi Trash because it has such a trashy LA prostitute sound to it hahaha!
12. Rate the following girls from 1 to 10, 1 being a mess and 10 being Trixxi Trash:

Bobbie Brown - 10! Man she is HOTTER THAN HELL in that Cherry Pie video! Was also totally foxy in that Married With Children episode in the supermarket! She's a total slut but god she's hot!
Susie Hatton - Very cute but I prefer Bobbie Brown!
Geri Miller - Haha 3! Definitely not attractice enough to warrant so many photos of her self in her magazines.
Doro Pesch - 7. Foxy metal chick and still looks good today! If my wife looks as good as her at 40 I'll be happy.
Shannon Tweed - 4. Can't see the attraction to her. She looks hard, powerful & masculine I think. Not my type.
Britney Spears - She's a definite 10. Stupid bimbo but very sexy.
Pamela Anderson - 10 for her looks but its a little too fake so I'll drop it to an 8 or 9. I'd still pump the hell out of her of course, and despite the bagging she gets, she does always look gorgeous I think.
Paul Stanley - If I can have 10,000 women squealing just by shaking my behind on stage when I'm 52 years old I'll be doin' alright! Good on him!
13. Tell us what you remember about the following years.
1976 = Not even born yet! But my fave '70s KISS album Rock & Roll Over came out.
1981 = Again not born yet. When I think 1981 I think Motley tearin' up the Strip though!
1983 = I was 1 year old! Don't remember much! But 1983 means Shout At The Devil & KISS taking off the makeup!
1988 = Started primary school. Had an obsession with buses and wanted to be a bus driver. Serious!
1992 = Grade 4, discovered rock & roll! Wanted to be Richie Sambora, loved Guns N Roses and had my first CD "Keep The Faith"
1996 = Year 8, crap year. Very much into basketball, not into music because no access to anything good (1 year before KISS would re-spark my love of rock & roll!), sat next to a dude who looked like a 13 year old Martin Bryant and was just as psycho! I'm sure I'll see his mugshot on the front of the newspaper one day.
2000 = Finished high school finally! Decided that video/film stuff would be my career if I'm not a rock star haha.
14. Vinnie Vincent asks you to go down on him. Do you swallow?
What's with all the sexual KISS questions haha! I wouldn't do it. Paul might get jealous... haha! Just kidding.
15. What hair tips can you give to your fans here at Maiden Downunder?
Grow it long; you can never use enough hair spray; experiment with what colour looks the best; use mousse before teasing it; and don't be afraid to get hair extensions if need be! Big hair is what's missing from rock & roll nowadays!
16. What appeals to you about Glam that music with artistic merit doesn't?
Oooh nasty! Basically it's everything rock & roll should be, taken over the top! Rock & Roll is supposed to be fun, entertaining, hard rockin, lighthearted escapism and have a dangerous, exciting edge to it. Glam was all that to the max! Everything was big, outrageous, sleazy, dangerous, fun, entertaining, loud and shameless and didn't try to be anything else. Popular rock music now can barely even be called rock as far as I'm concerned. It's flat, boring, lifeless, serious and the bands don't deliver anything but music. No show, no attitude, no excitement, no image. Music is entertainment and there is no rule to say that it should be limited to just songs, why not entertain on every level possible?
17. Isn't it true that while Vinnie Vincent's solo albums sold more than other Kiss member's solo albums, there wasn't really any competition in the first place?
Goes to show who the most talented member was doesn't it. Peter & Ace were LOVED by KISS fans, Vinnie Vincent was in the band for 2 years and is the most hated member among fans. Of course some love him, but there are more who don't. The fact that Vinnie Vincent Invasion was more successful than Frehley's Comet and Peter Criss is a reflection of the quality of the music because Vinnie is the only one who actually made some killer hard rock & heavy metal that was able to appeal to non-KISS fans and he didnt have to rely on his past in KISS to succeed. Whether he was in KISS or not, he would've had the same success and still got a record deal because the material slayed everything else out there and the band had a killer attitude, image and unique sound that broke new ground. Frehley & Criss' post-KISS material would struggle to get any kind of release or attention if they were not KISS members.
18. If you were paid a million dollars to hunt and kill one over-the-hill glam rocker, who would it be?
Hmmmm. If Axl counts as a glam rocker I'd choose him. Otherwise I'd just knock off someone in a band I didn't get into and don't care about like Wrathchild or Seduce.
19. You're the manager of a new glam rock supergroup. Who is in the band?
I'd tell Metal Skool to do a non-comedy album! It'd be the best hair metal album since the '80s! Seriously tho, I'd probably make a new Vinnie Vincent Invasion because nobody can write like Vinnie and I know that what he still wants to do is stuff in the vein of the first VVI album! To complete his band I'd put Bobby Rock on drums again, I'll let Tony Harnell from TNT do vocals (because Robert Fleischman can't sing high anymore), and dunno who I'd put on bass. I wonder what TJ Racer from Nitro is up to these days, he had cool hair! I liked his pants too.
20. Hypothetical question: you're at a Kiss after party and Gene mistakes you for a chick. Do you correct him or go quietly, knowing that you will finally get the chance to have sex with a member of the hottest band in the world?
Another sexual KISS question!!! I think you guys have the wrong idea about me.. hahha! I would play along until I got him in a room, tie him up and then take photos and sell them to magazines to get rich!
Thanks that was fun! Where was the Word Association though!
Till Next Time - Stay Sleazy!
Trixxi Trash

1. What are you currently up to? This is your only chance to plug your tours, websites, albums, etc.
Still on a high from 3 days of KISS mayhem and met Eric Singer! Trying to get a sleaze/glam band happening at the moment, been rehearsing in an '80s hair metal tribute show but having problems there, looking at an AOR project happening soon too with members of another local band, working on a feature film and might be doing some video clip work soon. This stuff doesn't pay though, maybe I will apply for a job at KISS World!
2. Hypothetical question: Paul Stanley and Vinnie Vincent offer to have a threeway with you. Catch is that you have to spend twenty minutes getting some loving from Gene Simmons beforehand. Do you do it?
Sometimes you gotta put up with the bad to get to the good!

3. When did you realize that you were a glam metal warrior in waiting?
I can thank KISS for that. Actually it stems back to when I was about 9 and I used to play air guitar along to Bon Jovi and draw Richie's guitars. But the moment I really knew rock & roll was gonna be the focus of my life was when I saw my first KISS show in 1997 when I was 14. When I saw Ace's guitar solo after "Shock Me" I knew I had to pick up the guitar and when I started watching all their videos I knew rock & roll was gonna be my life! They just captured everything great about it and it captured my imagination!
4. What hard rock/heavy metal band should give it up and call it a day?
A week ago I may have said KISS because I don't agree with how the band has been run the last few years. But they shocked me last week with 3 fantastic shows that blew me away (last year's show disappointed me heaps) and a great new setlist. They also completely won over some friends who had never seen KISS before and blew them away, so as long as they are still that good live, why quit? Keep at it! You still put on a better show than everyone else so you're still worthy of taking my money!
So I'd have to say Guns N Roses. For obvious reasons. Axl plus 4 nobodies who look like Marilyn Manson band rejects is not Guns N Roses and you don't even show up for your concerts. Give it up! Skid Row too coz without Sebastian it's not Skid Row.
5. Rate the following rock stars on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being Lord Tim and 10 being Trixxi Trash.
Hahaha "1 being Lord Tim and 10 being Trixxi Trash" that's hilarious!

Bret Michaels - 10!!! One of my all time biggest heroes! Not the greatest singer but I like his voice, GREAT frontman, great writer, great look, and he's stayed true to his rock & roll roots the whole time! Love him! An inspiration to me.
Stephen Pearcy - 6. Not the best singer or frontman but I love his voice coz its so sleazy, he had cool attitude, and his is the key ingredient to one of my all time favourite bands!
Mark Slaughter - 6. I like his voice and I love Slaughter, but he's not the best frontman around. He gets points for being in Vinnie Vincent Invasion but then loses them again because he replaced a far better singer. Not very wild or rock starrish person either but yeah I like his voice & Slaughter rock.
Jim Gillette - 9! This man had THE most unreal hair in rock, shattered glass on stage with his voice which is the highest I've ever heard, played in the most over the top and loudest metal band ever who once made a venue's roof cave in because of the volume, he married Lita Ford, and was once in Tuff. If that doesn't deserve at least a 9, what does!!!
Jani Lane - 9 back in the day. He was a great singer and writer, had a great look, married Bobbie Brown and was one of the best frontmen I've seen on DRFSR Live. And DRFSR is one of the best albums of the era. But in the last 10 years I give him a 1 for turning his back on the music & fans that got him there, turning Warrant into a grunge band and letting himself turn into how he is now.
Vince Neil - 10! Ultimate rock star! He had the whole package, the voice, the attitude, the look, great frontman, the wild stories, everything! And the only reason he's gone downhill since is because the excesses of rock & roll took their toll!
Sebastian Bach - 8. Best voice in metal, awesome frontman, awesome look, mega KISS fan. He loses points because I despise him as a person.
Marq Torien - 7. David Lee Roth's long lost love child! Same attitude & flamboyance with an even better voice, great frontman and the first Bulletboys album is a killer! One of the best albums from the era.
Tom Keifer - 4. "Night Songs" is one of the best albums and he sounds great live and they were very tight but after that he decided to be a blues man and ruined Cinderella.
Bruce Dickinson - 8. Brilliant voice & awesome frontman! Loses a couple of points for going grungy in the mid-90s and for cutting his hair haha!
Sammi Curr - 10+!! HAHAHA! He brainwashed a metal kid through backwards messages to slaughter everyone at his high school, killed people by shooting rockets out of his guitar and killed a TV preacher played by Ozzy Osbourne - how cool is that! And his albums that get mentioned are called Burning Metal and Fuck With Fire! Hahaha!
6. Who deserves a smack in the mouth and why?
Axl Rose. No explanation even needed here. Somebody put him out of his misery.
7. How does it feel idolizing stars that have hair extensions that are older than you?
Hahahaha! Doesn't bother me! Good on 'em, nothing wrong with looking the best you can! I'd rather see a band who look cool even if its fake, than a band who looks boring as hell because they don't wanna be teased. Bret looks awesome, and I'd much rather see him with extensions than bald! (If ya wanna see something funny though: haha!)
8. If you were a member of Kiss what would your character be?
This is a hard one! I'm also really into horror movies as well so probably something along those lines but not a demon like Gene. Maybe something like a psycho sex murderer! Haha! Dunno what the makeup would be though haha! Maybe just the trashy glam dude of the band!
9. Give your thoughts on the following albums:
Guns N Roses, Appetite for Destruction - One of the best. Fresh, raw, full of energy, something really authentic about it. Alot of bands tried to copy it but none could do it as well.
Poison, Look What the Cat Dragged In - Ultimate party album! Raw LA glam! And NOT the bubblegum pop-metal (don't get me wrong I love that too!) that they are known for coz of their next 2 albums. This is authentic, dirty, fun Sunset Strip sleaze glam!
Kiss, Crazy Nights - UNDERRATED and one of the best KISS records by far! Only one filler on the entire disc ("No No No") and the rest is GOLD! 7 killer ultra-melodic Paul Stanley songs and 3 Gene tracks are even good this time!
Europe, The Final Countdown - Overrated. "Prisoners In Paradise" is their finest hour. But this has some good tracks too like "Heart Of Stone", great song.
Bon Jovi, Slippery When Wet - One of the best ever. Explosive arena rock at its finest. The songs, the hooks, the musicianship & the production are perfect from start to finish. Tons of great hits & the non-singles are awesome too. Not a weak spot anywhere.
Skid Row, Skid Row - Their best I think. Really rocks hard, excellent no frills hard rock with great songs & vocals.
Def Leppard, Hysteria - Another of the greatest albums of all time. Best twin guitar performance ever is on this album in my opinion. The textures Phil & Steve create particularly on songs like Animal and the title track are unbelievable, the hooks are great, awesome backing vocals, just a great achievement!
Motley Crue, Girls Girls Girls - Their worst '80s album. Has three KILLER tracks which are the singles and the rest is all filler. Tired & uninspired, the magic was gone.
Vinnie Vincent Invasion, All Systems Go - Great album. Nowhere near as great as the awesome debut, my favourite album ever, but a great melodic hard rock album all the same. The sleazier tracks lack something because of the watered down production but the melodic tracks are awesome, Vinnie is the man! What a songwriter!
LA Guns, Hollywood Vampires - More mature release again here, not really a fan of it. LA Guns to me is their debut then they went way downhill. Never a band with good musicianship, vocals or songs. But the debut had a killer attitude & vibe that made it special, later albums didn't.
Ratt, Out of the Cellar - GREAT debut! Most people pick this as easily the best Ratt album but personally I think it was just the start of a string of consistently great albums and out of the first 5, I have 4 equal favourites! (Reach For The Sky is the least fave but still a killer!) Unreal album, like everything else they did between 1984-1990! Best band in LA along with Motley Crue, hands down!
10. The last of Trixxi Trash. When was the last time you:
Listened to an album from before 1974 or after 1992: Hahaha! Alive III by KISS today! That's 1993! WOOOO! Also been listening to "Arcade" featuring Stephen Pearcy & Fred Coury alot lately, also 1993.
Were at the drive-in, in the old man's Ford: I think it was that same night I also went behind some bushes and screamed for more...
Signed a girl's breast: Bruce Kulick signed one right next to me this year haha.
Got a tattoo: Don't have any yet. Gonna get my upper arms done with KISS tats when I can afford it.
Got your bikini zone waxed: Hahahaha! I wanna become a bikini waxer, that'd be a rockin' job!
Trashed a hotel room: Never but almost wasn't allowed to stay in one recently coz I went with a band and the owner of the motel thought we would! "Last band who stayed here had women and loud music all night and wrote girls' names all over walls!"
Slept with a porn star: Do strippers count? Hahaha!
Used heroin: I stay clear of drugs, except alcohol of course.
Rock rocked til you dropped, rock rocked never stopped: Last week with 3 KISS shows and an after party!
11. Where did the name Trixxi Trash come from?
My name is Trent and originally I thought I'd make my glam stage name in my band Trent Trixx haha. Then everybody started calling me Trixxi and it pretty much became like a nickname from some people so I thought I'd go one step further and make it Trixxi Trash because it has such a trashy LA prostitute sound to it hahaha!
12. Rate the following girls from 1 to 10, 1 being a mess and 10 being Trixxi Trash:

Bobbie Brown - 10! Man she is HOTTER THAN HELL in that Cherry Pie video! Was also totally foxy in that Married With Children episode in the supermarket! She's a total slut but god she's hot!
Susie Hatton - Very cute but I prefer Bobbie Brown!
Geri Miller - Haha 3! Definitely not attractice enough to warrant so many photos of her self in her magazines.
Doro Pesch - 7. Foxy metal chick and still looks good today! If my wife looks as good as her at 40 I'll be happy.
Shannon Tweed - 4. Can't see the attraction to her. She looks hard, powerful & masculine I think. Not my type.
Britney Spears - She's a definite 10. Stupid bimbo but very sexy.
Pamela Anderson - 10 for her looks but its a little too fake so I'll drop it to an 8 or 9. I'd still pump the hell out of her of course, and despite the bagging she gets, she does always look gorgeous I think.
Paul Stanley - If I can have 10,000 women squealing just by shaking my behind on stage when I'm 52 years old I'll be doin' alright! Good on him!
13. Tell us what you remember about the following years.
1976 = Not even born yet! But my fave '70s KISS album Rock & Roll Over came out.
1981 = Again not born yet. When I think 1981 I think Motley tearin' up the Strip though!
1983 = I was 1 year old! Don't remember much! But 1983 means Shout At The Devil & KISS taking off the makeup!
1988 = Started primary school. Had an obsession with buses and wanted to be a bus driver. Serious!
1992 = Grade 4, discovered rock & roll! Wanted to be Richie Sambora, loved Guns N Roses and had my first CD "Keep The Faith"
1996 = Year 8, crap year. Very much into basketball, not into music because no access to anything good (1 year before KISS would re-spark my love of rock & roll!), sat next to a dude who looked like a 13 year old Martin Bryant and was just as psycho! I'm sure I'll see his mugshot on the front of the newspaper one day.
2000 = Finished high school finally! Decided that video/film stuff would be my career if I'm not a rock star haha.
14. Vinnie Vincent asks you to go down on him. Do you swallow?
What's with all the sexual KISS questions haha! I wouldn't do it. Paul might get jealous... haha! Just kidding.
15. What hair tips can you give to your fans here at Maiden Downunder?
Grow it long; you can never use enough hair spray; experiment with what colour looks the best; use mousse before teasing it; and don't be afraid to get hair extensions if need be! Big hair is what's missing from rock & roll nowadays!
16. What appeals to you about Glam that music with artistic merit doesn't?
Oooh nasty! Basically it's everything rock & roll should be, taken over the top! Rock & Roll is supposed to be fun, entertaining, hard rockin, lighthearted escapism and have a dangerous, exciting edge to it. Glam was all that to the max! Everything was big, outrageous, sleazy, dangerous, fun, entertaining, loud and shameless and didn't try to be anything else. Popular rock music now can barely even be called rock as far as I'm concerned. It's flat, boring, lifeless, serious and the bands don't deliver anything but music. No show, no attitude, no excitement, no image. Music is entertainment and there is no rule to say that it should be limited to just songs, why not entertain on every level possible?
17. Isn't it true that while Vinnie Vincent's solo albums sold more than other Kiss member's solo albums, there wasn't really any competition in the first place?
Goes to show who the most talented member was doesn't it. Peter & Ace were LOVED by KISS fans, Vinnie Vincent was in the band for 2 years and is the most hated member among fans. Of course some love him, but there are more who don't. The fact that Vinnie Vincent Invasion was more successful than Frehley's Comet and Peter Criss is a reflection of the quality of the music because Vinnie is the only one who actually made some killer hard rock & heavy metal that was able to appeal to non-KISS fans and he didnt have to rely on his past in KISS to succeed. Whether he was in KISS or not, he would've had the same success and still got a record deal because the material slayed everything else out there and the band had a killer attitude, image and unique sound that broke new ground. Frehley & Criss' post-KISS material would struggle to get any kind of release or attention if they were not KISS members.
18. If you were paid a million dollars to hunt and kill one over-the-hill glam rocker, who would it be?
Hmmmm. If Axl counts as a glam rocker I'd choose him. Otherwise I'd just knock off someone in a band I didn't get into and don't care about like Wrathchild or Seduce.
19. You're the manager of a new glam rock supergroup. Who is in the band?
I'd tell Metal Skool to do a non-comedy album! It'd be the best hair metal album since the '80s! Seriously tho, I'd probably make a new Vinnie Vincent Invasion because nobody can write like Vinnie and I know that what he still wants to do is stuff in the vein of the first VVI album! To complete his band I'd put Bobby Rock on drums again, I'll let Tony Harnell from TNT do vocals (because Robert Fleischman can't sing high anymore), and dunno who I'd put on bass. I wonder what TJ Racer from Nitro is up to these days, he had cool hair! I liked his pants too.
20. Hypothetical question: you're at a Kiss after party and Gene mistakes you for a chick. Do you correct him or go quietly, knowing that you will finally get the chance to have sex with a member of the hottest band in the world?
Another sexual KISS question!!! I think you guys have the wrong idea about me.. hahha! I would play along until I got him in a room, tie him up and then take photos and sell them to magazines to get rich!
Thanks that was fun! Where was the Word Association though!
Till Next Time - Stay Sleazy!
Trixxi Trash