Should I DI through my profire instrument input or PRS Interface?


Aug 26, 2009
Hey guys,

Ive always DI'd through the instrument input on the first 2 channels of my profire 2626. Ive never really known if the DI's are any good and my friend just gave me his PRS guitar interface.


(check the site for more details)

anyways i was just wondering what was better to use to get the best and clean DI's.

And most importantly should i connect the prs interface through a Mic cable or a 1/4 cable? which is better?

If i connect the prs interface via Mic line should i turn the preamp completely down on the profire and turn up the gain on the prs or?????...

Any tips and comments on whats better and whats the best method would make my day!

No i dont think its got A/D conversion happening, i think there just calling it an 'interface' it doesnt actually connect via firewire or anything, its made just like a DI box.

its says it has custom impedance matching circuitry
it has a balanced and unbalanced out on it.

I just dont know anything about it and whether i should be using it for DI's over the direct input on the profire 2626...

any other tips?
use both?

ive tried both and i honestly cant tell the difference.
I dont think my ears are good enough.

I dont know whether i should turn the gain down on the profire and up on the prs di or vice versa
Look up the spec's and see if there is a difference between the 2 units in Total Harmonic Distortion, self noise/signal to noise ratio, and input impedance.

But ultimately use whichever sounds better. You've got them both there. Try them out and see if you can hear a difference. Record clips. If you can't hear a difference switching between recorded clips then you're certainly not going to hear a difference in the mix.

I'm assuming the PRS has a line out, so go from the PRS line out to the PF line in. Make sure neither are clipping.

As fas as mic vs. 1/4" goes. As long as both are balanced and both are putting out line level then there is no difference whatsoever.

If there is AD/DA going on in the signal path of the PRS then you don't want to going through 3 sets of conversion before the audio is recorded, so it'd be better to just use the Profire.
From PRS Interface specifications:
Input impedance : >1Mohm unbalanced
Max input level: 1.1 VRMS

Not too much... at least for active pickups or powerful passives, don`t know how it can be on practice...

There is no additional conversions: it`s plain instrument pre.
From PRS Interface specifications:
Input impedance : >1Mohm unbalanced
Max input level: 1.1 VRMS

Not too much... at least for active pickups or powerful passives, don`t know how it can be on practice...

There is no additional conversions: it`s plain instrument pre.

Ok So it doesnt do any A/d which is good.
Is what your saying better than using the instrument input on the profire or not?

sorry for the dumb question
Ok So it doesnt do any A/d which is good.
Is what your saying better than using the instrument input on the profire or not?

sorry for the dumb question
I think you should try both and use what sound better.
But with large output it is rather hard to notice if the clipping is in hardware (in case of PRS).
So, maybe, you should record some clip and check it.
use both?

ive tried both and i honestly cant tell the difference.
I dont think my ears are good enough.

I dont know whether i should turn the gain down on the profire and up on the prs di or vice versa

Your ears are fine, learn to trust them. Record clips and A/B between the two. if you can't hear a difference between the guitars on their own then you certainly wont hear it in a mix.
Ok, so i whipped out the manual and it says the following for a balanced line Output..

"For Connecting directly to balanced +4dbU line inputs via XLR cable. This Output is the best choice for connecting to proffesional audio equipment for optimal clarity and tone. It offers the best performance and signal to noise ratio. Using the balanced +4dbu line level via xlr is the definitive best choice for getting the highest quality results when recording an electric guitar using the waves prs guitar interface"

So if we look at the back of the panel..


Does this instruction say that i should use an XLR cable to connect to my mic inputs of my profire,

or is it saying i should get an xlr to line input cable and connect it to the line inputs of my profire.


is it saying use a normal mic xlr cable and connect to the mic input of the profire and then hit the line switch on the back of the prs interface?

I know this must sound really dumb but im crap with signal flow and i would love some more help with this.
Its tough teaching yourself