BLA modded 2626


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2009
im getting mine sent of,

now i have a bit of a pickle here, im using my m-audio project mix as my main interface and my 2626 as a slave connected by adat

however when the 2626 comes back ill want that as my interface as the converters are a tonne better, is there anyway to use the 2626 as the main interface and connect the projectmix as the slave? and have the profire as the main interface? as of dsome posts ive read of 2009 theres a conflicting driver between the interfaces.

so confused and dont know where to turn :/
contacted BLA myself via email dude, REALLYYY raises the specs, especially with there external microclock
its ops an pre's pretty much raises it above the rme 800 spec, providing you get the microclock

can anyone help my predicament any?
Not sure the projectmix works as "Standalone ", but even with the 2626 as slave, you can clock the Projectmix to it, and still use the converters on the 2626, going through the Projectmix.

if you only need 8 mics, use the 2626. if you need more, use you current setup ( 2626 into PM ). You still get full benefit from the mods..
So if I set my projectmix to external clock I'm using the projfires 2626 converters? Tbh ATM I don't even need 8 but I love having a control surface :(
if you use the 2626 mic pre's and outputs you use the new converters.
Clocking your PM to the 2626 might improve the converters on the PM a little, but the new converters on the 2626 will be much better..
if you use the 2626 mic pre's and outputs you use the new converters.
Clocking your PM to the 2626 might improve the converters on the PM a little, but the new converters on the 2626 will be much better..

With fear of sounding retarded (which I am) how would you o about that? My profire is set to standalone an the driver is removed that is connected to the projectmix via Adat which is connected to the mac via FireWire. Should the standalone modes clocking be internal rather than optical a on the profire if I'm using the profited clock over the monitors are also connected to the project mix out of 1&2 should I change that?!
Somebody just made a very Good point, I could make the profire my master
Interface. Connect the projectmix to it via midi and the Adat ins an outs then remove the projectmixio drivers and still have it's pres to use whn I needed em and essentially I could use the midi in etc from the profire. I'm just worried as to wether it would recognise it as a control surface
what you wanna do is run everything ( mics / line ins / monitor outs ) through the 2626 if you get the mod. The connection between the 2626 and the PM should be adat for the audio and Wordclock for the clocking, with the 2626 as the master clock and the PM taking its clock externally. ( again this is only relevant if you have a modded clock in the 2626 )

That way it doesn't matter which way you connect the interfaces. If you have firewire from the PM into your PC, the mics that run into the 2626 will still be converted by the spanking new converters, even if they then go through adat to the PM, and if you run it the other way ( firewire to the 2626 with PM running into the ADAT ) your ins and out still run into the 2626. ( the PM would just offer more ins and outs, or a control surface )

So what your saying is with my current setup my profire is doing all the converting etc and then transferring the info via Adat back through the pm's FireWire to the mac?
The converting is done by each individual unit. mics that go into the 2626 are converted there. mics into the PM are converted there. So upgraded converters on the 2626 are only really beneficial to mics in / lines out of the 2626..

the signal is already converted before it hits the adat connection. That's why you can get a cheap m-audio 1814 ( with poor converters ) and plug an rme octomic into it and get 8 channels of great audio.
^What dale said basically.

Keep using your PM as the interface, so you'll have the control surface functionality of that. Use the PF as a standalone preamp, taking the PF ADAT out into the PM ADAT in. Set the PF to internal sync and the PM to sync from it's ADAT in.

Doing it this way your PM is sync'ing to the PF (clocking to the PF's superior clock)
Anything plugged into the PF is using the conversion in the PF.
Anything plugged into the PM is using the conversion in the PM (though as it's using the PF as a master clock it will probably work better than it did when working on it's own internal clock)

So your PM is the master interface, but the PF is the master clock.

This making sense to you dude? I know digital audio can be a bit confusing if you're new to it.
^What dale said basically.

Keep using your PM as the interface, so you'll have the control surface functionality of that. Use the PF as a standalone preamp, taking the PF ADAT out into the PM ADAT in. Set the PF to internal sync and the PM to sync from it's ADAT in.

Doing it this way your PM is sync'ing to the PF (clocking to the PF's superior clock)
Anything plugged into the PF is using the conversion in the PF.
Anything plugged into the PM is using the conversion in the PM (though as it's using the PF as a master clock it will probably work better than it did when working on it's own internal clock)

So your PM is the master interface, but the PF is the master clock.

This making sense to you dude? I know digital audio can be a bit confusing if you're new to it.

Black and White now thanks to you and Dale :)
Just wondering whats the reason for you getting an M-Audio interface modded rather than just buying something better?
M-Audio stuff is rather average at best and i would wager it would be cheaper & less hassle to just get something a little higher up the food chain to start with.

Have BLA given you a ballpark price yet?

(im actually selling a BLA PCIe Motu 24io in the UK at the moment but i doubt its what you are after if you want pre's)