Firestudio vs Profire 2626

Nov 6, 2006
Taylor, MI
Im rockin the firestudio 2626 right now and im really sick of the poor performance of the device. I can only get to 256 samples before it starts shitting everywhere. I have the opportunity to get a profire 2626 for like 400 bucks right now. Anyone have great/terrible experiences with the profire?
I also thought about snagging an rme 9652 and using the profire through adat and having the rme driver stability. Any suggestions for my situation?
I need awesome performance and better pres than the xmax ones.
All I can say is that my Firestudio 'died' and had bad stability before that and the Profire I got to replace the Presonus is runing just fine. Make sure you got a compatible FW chipset though. My onboard VIA used to work with the Firestudio but I had to get a TI chipset equiped card to make the Profire work - lots of pops and clicks in any buffer size with VIA chipset.
For me, the Profire's pres sound quite a bit better than the Presonus's XMax pre's. Stability is too hard to judge IMO, as different computers seem to bring different results. When I had my Presonus, it would work just fine with my Ricoh chipset, but I also had to get a new card with a TI chipset for the M Audio. The difference in preamp quality alone made it worth it. Driver stability has been just fine for me using both interface brands.