Should I take a yoga class to get chicks?


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dude, my ol lady takes yoga. guess you could look at it two ways: 1) only chicks take yoga and your manhood would be challenged if you did so or 2) hot chicks take yoga and you could be the only guy in there and would have run of the place. like a rooster or something
dorian gray said:
dude, my ol lady takes yoga. guess you could look at it two ways: 1) only chicks take yoga and your manhood would be challenged if you did so or 2) hot chicks take yoga and you could be the only guy in there and would have run of the place. like a rooster or something

Good point, you don't see 300 lb bints with their legs up over their shoulders. Plus most yoga broads are liberal hippies like yourself. You probably won't have much trouble landing a chick. Just say "Fuck George Bush", and down go the panties.
Nad, does this answer your question?!?

