Should I..?

Windom Pearl said:
Bah, just come on over and loan my Ua Ua to check the band out :)

Ok, so what if we see next week and I give you Miss Woolly and the Calvarium-cd and you give me that Ua Ua-cd?? Hm?
I just think that I might not like it since the only songs that I have heard and liked are Aamuisin and Ihminen... so...screw the radio. :)

@Hearse and Lolita: I really did want opinions, no matter how rude they were :). I knew this band has lots of plain haters and lovers. I live with a total hater...
but I dare :D
lumitalvi said:
Ok, so what if we see next week and I give you Miss Woolly and the Calvarium-cd and you give me that Ua Ua-cd?? Hm?
I just think that I might not like it since the only songs that I have heard and liked are Aamuisin and Ihminen... so...screw the radio. :)
Sounds like a plan!

Ua Ua contains the heavy metal hit "Talo", as well as the radio hits "Harri", "Virpi" and "Mies eikä poika enää", which all rok.

Idiootti isn't a bad album either. I lost interest after Ua Ua so I don't know much about the stuff after it. Except "Eipä tiennyt tyttö." :headbang:
Lolita Vampiriá said:
You live with a total Zen Café hater? With whom do you live..?

Me is Zen Café lover definitely. ;)

I quess you recognize the name Molestor Kadotus from the Imperiumi-board...
He hates a lot of stuff...but he has been my own Zen Café- hater for 6 years now :D

@Windom: Guudguud! I´ll let you know when we can meet. How about just you and me and a quick cup of tea in someplace, so we don´t have to fit all four time-schedules together? Wednesday maybe? I get out of work at 4.
I don't hate Zen Cafe. It's only that it makes me want to vomit my guts out, disembowel myself, tear off my nails and mutilate my testicles when I hear that shit.

(I bet you were already wondering what I thought about this particular subject.)
Horza said:
I don't hate Zen Cafe. It's only that it makes me want to vomit my guts out, disembowel myself, tear off my nails and mutilate my testicles when I hear that shit.

(I bet you were already wondering what I thought about this particular subject.)

There is nothing more anoying than Zen Cafe's lyrics. I get pretty much the same reaction of them than Horza but i just want to do it to the singer!
Maybe you just don't get them, the inner meaning of their lyrics. There are always new aspects to find in their lyrics at least what I've noticed. For example if you compare Z.C. lyrics to Anssi Kela or Eppu Normaali, there are more to it than just words.
I have to admit there are terrible crap among their lyrics too. But luckily there are songs like "Todella kaunis". I enormosly hated the song when it first came out, but that was just me being stupid :D

Zen Café lyrics are something you can only like if you're able to relate yourself to them, and that requires a certain type of view to life.
I say this...shame on me and my radio-listening again... but I like the lyrics in "Aamuisin" :D it just hit me somehow. Maybe the reason is that it is so true in this world.
This is SO weird. I use to hate this band totallysomuch and morethananyoneelse before.