Should Jon Just Stick With Demons & Wizards Now?

Oct 26, 2002
I will continue to follow Iced Earth until the end, but this departure of Matt as vocalist is really an earth shaker. Iced Earth truly will not be the same.

And though Jon doesn't seem like the kind of guy to wait to get things done, I was wondering if now the best choice would be to consentrate on the success of Demons & Wizards.

He still will have Hansi...and now with Richard Christy on drums, they look to be a major force in metal.

I don't know...mabye it's the broken heart talking...
I don't think that he should just do Demons and Wizards, but I do think that he should go ahead and record the new Demons and Wizards cd while he is searching for a new vocalist for Iced Earth. Atleast Iced Earth fans while have something new to listen to, and it will take away some of the depression that Matt left and that the new cd won't be out until next year most likely.
Ok, well, finish writing it and then record it, because I believe that the search for a new Iced Earth vocalist could take a while.