Shout outs and thank yous...........


Big D


Just wanted to show my appreciation and thanks to all the people involved in making Bloodstock the great day it was........Vince and the Must 4 Music guys for making the whole thing possible,the people working behind the scenes making the whole thing run as problemfree as it did,all the guys in the bands for turning up and playing outstanding sets - every band i saw ((all of them :D ) were excellent and bang on! Special mention to the Assembly Rooms for not running out of beer this year!! Big @#%$ you to the red shirt security guys with the big 'i am' attitude - sad bastards! I liked the mechandising ploy of the Bloodstock table though - place attractive ladies behind it!!!! Also of note was the speed the guys managed to get the queues in through the doors once they opened(!) Having people tearing the stubs and slapping wristbands on us halfway across the square was different but obviously worked!!!

Overall the whole thing seemed soooo much better than last year......loved the signing room idea but felt sorry for the poor guy tring to run it all with us lot harassing him (it had to be done though as he was rather cute :D ) How he kept his cool doing all that running about i'll never know!!!The artwork on display in there was just incredible and the signing guy introduced me to the artist, Paul. He is one exceptionally talented man. Perhaps i'll ask him to paint my leather................LOL!!!!!

I'll let all the other people post the reviews whilst i salute the unsung heroes of the festival - THE STAFF!!!!!!!

*raises a glass*

ps I heard Zac from Enemymaker888 injured himself quite badly when he went over during their set.If you're reading this matey then get well soon!!!

Excellently put Big D! I'd like to second everything you said there.......we all overlook all the work that goes on behind the scenes to make these events possible i suppose because as far as we are concerned we are there to see the end product,not what goes into making it. There is a lot more than putting a band on a stage involved!!!!!

As for the 'signing guy' as you put it Big D, that was in fact me!!!!! I don't recall anyone harassing me though - everyone i spoke to in the signing room was cool and it was great getting to meet so many people!!! Maybe if you give me a clue as to who you were though...........

Cute indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :D :p :D :p :D :p :D

Mordred Vince should have made you work harder with alot more running around, you spent to much time on your arse in the green room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(only joking mate)email me when you get time

I would like to thank all the guys that worked for us on the day, with all the back stage food, We would not have got the bands and crews feed with out your help and support.
so - Karen,Sally,Ash
Thank you so much for a great day
Dean & Chris
The heavy metal chefs


I'll tell you what gobliners, i reckon i walked a ridiculous amount of miles on Saturday as my legs will testify when i woke up on Sunday afternoon! Far too much exercise for a man my age :p

Too much time in the Green Room indeed!!!!!!!!!
Why was it called the Green Room anyway? Nothing to do with your catering was it :p :)
(the Green Room was the hospitality area backstage at Bloodstock)

You can mail me for your cheek young man! (addy is in my profile!)

"You can't come through here mate,you haven't got the right pass!!!" That security guy ruled!!!!

Ask Vince why its call the @#%$ green room it nothing to do with are cooking!!!!!!!!! (BASTARD im hurt now)

And i olny kicked your Food round the floor twice.

And i think the security guy loved us all he allways seem to wanted to chat and was so happy in his job (LOL)
Was the Security guy Big D as they think you are cute.
( Sorry Big D if you do not work for the security team no offence ment)


Only twice?! Call yourself a chef?! Twice indeed :lol:

Anyway,just got your pm but it hasn't got your email address to reply back to! Just drop me a mail (addy in profile) so i've got somewhere to reply to!!! It's either that or a pm.

As for you Big D, are you gonna let us know who you were? Come clean or i'll get Arolas the stalker on the case ;)

Who are you Mordred, is that you Adam?????? If it is its your sister here, if its not I was on the Bloodstock Merchandise stall, who were you???