"Shovel headed kill machine"


Dec 16, 2005
Been hearing alot of mixed reviews about the new Exodus album.
From the clips I've heard it sounds heavier than "Tempo" but I'm
not quite ready to cough up the cash for a copy. So I'd like
to get some opinions first. So smash or trash or just ok ?
Stupid title,stupid album. The only decent thing about it was some of the guitar solos.
So am I like the only person on this forum who actually likes Tempo of the Damned? I see that album get ragged on in every Exodus thread.
So am I like the only person on this forum who actually likes Tempo of the Damned? I see that album get ragged on in every Exodus thread.

it's allright. But this new one is an abomination.
Phil Anselmo came up with their album title after doing methadone.
Tempo of the Damned and Shovel Headed Kill Machine are kick ass albums! The only albums I don't have are Impact is Imminent and Force of Habit because they're out of print. Tempo and SHKM are great albums!.
I would definately pick it up.

If you like Tempo Of The Damned then you shouldn't be disappointed.
I disagree. I reasonably enjoyed Tempo of the Damned (though I tired of it), and I can't even listen to this new one. Gary Holt is the next John Schaffer.
This album rules! You should not hesitate at all to get it. If you like Exodus beyond "Toxic Waltz", they are in top form on this one. SHKM picked up with the heaviness of Tempo and ran with it full force. The new singer (Rob Dukes) is a perfect fit for the band. Plus, their live show is fucking brutal!