Show At Breakers Tonight


The Darkitecht
Jun 3, 2007
Daytona, Florida
For anyone who hasn't seen the myspace or website we have a show tonight at Breakers Music Hall in Jonesboro. We're going on first which means we'll be on sometime during the 9 o'clock hour, hopefully right at 9 but from what I hear they have a tendency to hold a band up if there isn't initially 'enough' people there by the bar's standards. So if you have time come check us out. Dead Rites is also playing, but they're playing last. Im good friends with them and they have an old school punk/metal vibe to their music and Radu, the singer, sounds so close to Danzig sometimes it gives me chills.
Hey that show wasn't too bad actually. The stage wasn't so bad either, aside from all the left over beer bottles and mess from the previous night(s). The sound wasn't too horrible until halfway through the set when I couldn't hear myself at all. They screwed up the sound towards the end Im thinking, but all around I had fun. Thanks to Esa, James, and Kathy for being there from the forums here (and of course the wives that were their to support their hubby on stage.)
The show last night was fantastic! It was my first time seeing Patrick with the band, and he did not disappoint; great job! :headbang:

I really enjoyed hearing all the new material mixed in with the classics from the debut; I think the next two discs from Theocracy are really going to blow people away!

Thanks to everyone for a great night of music (including the invisible monks :lol:); I'll definitely be looking forward to the next time you guys hit the stage!
Great show indeed. The guys should be posterboys for Breakers:


The customary photographic record is here
Some amazing shots in this set esa! I hate e-mailing you after every set, by I might be sending you another e-mail. :)

I thought the show went pretty well! Even with the soundguy apparently disliking Patrick's playing/singing ;)