Shows in Central Florida around Oct 1-4?


Porno kitty
Feb 13, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Anything good going on in the Orlando area weekend after next? Looks like I'll be visiting my mom's family down around there and just thought I'd see if there were any decent shows anyone knew about. All I can find is Lamb of God and Clutch. :P

Hey there!!

Take I4 west an hour and a half and see Alice Cooper / Lizzy Borden @ Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater on Oct 2. Don't know if you ever been to REH before, but it is an awesome venue.
Hey there!!

Take I4 west an hour and a half and see Alice Cooper / Lizzy Borden @ Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater on Oct 2. Don't know if you ever been to REH before, but it is an awesome venue.

i thought lillian axe is with alice starting the oct dates? we just missed that with having tix for sept 30th...

shaye...clutch is a great band to see :)
If you are thinking about coming over to the west coast there is the Alice Cooper show Friday, Matallica Saturday, and there is a Guitar show at Sam Ash in Clearwater(right next to Ruth Eckerd Hall) on Sunday with Yngwie playing along with others for free. If you are thinking of coming over this way send me a PM. Would love to hook up with you guys. We are going to Metallica Sat. We may be going to AC and are probably going to go to the Guitar show as well. Here's a link to the Samash website.