Shred Metal

Jul 19, 2004
Falls Church, VA
Any recomendations on some good shred metal? I'm looking for some stuff with alot of neoclassical influences, but less like Ywngie and more like Cacophony. The main problem with cacophony is the vocals... so that kinda rockish but technical and classically influenced shredding (instrumental) shit is what im lookin for.

Jason Becker's solo work. If you want Cacophony like stuff, buy 'Perpetual Burn.' Right now. It even has Marty featured on a song or two. Perspective is a really awesome album, but nothing like Cacophony or shred really.
I've haven't heard Cacophony's stuff, but how about windham hell? Its neoclassical influenced shred/death metal and kicks huge amounts of ass.
I've been told to check out windham hell but have no way of getting their stuff. Also, I'm really lookin more for 80's instrumental shred than neoclassical like bodom or whatnot.

Thanks anyways.
RideForVengance said:
Any recomendations on some good shred metal? I'm looking for some stuff with alot of neoclassical influences, but less like Ywngie and more like Cacophony. The main problem with cacophony is the vocals... so that kinda rockish but technical and classically influenced shredding (instrumental) shit is what im lookin for.


Your best bet is to search out the 80's catalog of Shrapnel Records.. that is where most of those shredders were signed to.. some that i remember are :

Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey
Tony Macalpine -pretty much any album
David Chastain (with his band Chastain) - Ruler of the Wasteland
7th of Never
Richie Kotzen
Racer X (Paul Gilbert's old band.. very much ala Cacophony)
Greg Howe

etc.. etc.. can't think of the others but if you can find a old catalog of Shrapnel Records you will see the abundance of that style of music from the 80's...
If you're looking for instrumental stuff definitely heed Unfaithfully's advice. One of my fav of all time is Macalpine's 'Maximum Security'. Genius album! For stuff with vocals check for stuff like Apocrypha, Racer X, again, tons of stuff that came out on Shrapnel. If you haven't already check out Symphony X, Time Requiem (like mentioned above), anything Richard Andersson is involved in (Space Odyssey for example). That should be a good start.
check out stuff thats worth playing
you'll hear alot of "get yngwi, vai"
frankly i think those two don't write songs - but rather write elevator music. I dedicated 4-5 years just learning malmsteen and vai and it got me no where!

check out children of bodom, (old) symphony x, savatage,
to name a few for beginner shredding - but if you really want true shred you'll have to buy those solo efforts buy a named guitarist. Michael angelo, marty friedman, have some awsome stuff out there.
There was a guy named David Urich (not sure if I got his first name right) in the late '80's - early '90's who played in a neoclassical/jazz fusion style. I actually saw him open for Tesla waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day.