shreddage 2 phasing issues


Jun 24, 2011
Missouri, MO
I recently purchased shreddage 2 and am more than happy with it. I only have one issue, which is probably my error. I decided I would bounce down shreddage with guitar rig 5 providing distortion to four separate wav files. When I imported them into my mixing session they had extremely bad phasing issues as I panned them. I haven't tried anything else out yet.

A second question, when double tracking should I use same amp settings, different or completely different amp? What about left from right guitars?

Sorry for newbie questions, have never been a guitarist.
As a starting point i would say move 1 of the panned guitars 20 milliseconds late de-tune the other by 5 - 20 cents. Using different amp settings (or at least difference gain/drive) should make all the differnce


They need to FIX that phase issue with dual tracked guitars. It's very frustrating when it happens.
And what about beta ver. 2 ? Maybe it's fixed? I've seen it some time ago but don't know the details.
Thank you guys, the Reset RR button fixed everything.

I have ran across another problem I'm having as well. I'm trying to automate pitch bend in Fl studio and cannot find the right parameter. I don't see pitch or bend. I see modulation wheel, breath controller and portamento, but no bend... =(
Hey guys, I'm the designer/programmer of Shreddage 2. Glad you're getting use out of it! I just wanted to say that I worked hard to address the phasing issues in the latest update of the library which is now available for free at the link below. There are also some other useful features and new content like more release noises, more FX sounds in the fx patch, more control over the fretting engine, new vibrato type that sounds smoother and cleaner, etc.

Lots of users were testing this patch as I was developing it and I think we worked out all the kinks. I basically rewrote big portions of the engine from scratch to try and address any problems. If you're using multiple guitars with the same MIDI data you should be good to go. We're now at the point where I can also make minor patches pretty easily so if we do hit any new bugs I should be able to patch them fast enough.
welcome ! Glad you've found the time to write here. Quad tracking is a great bonus but i have to say that i still came across phasing when using 4 separate midi tracks in cubase 5. It becomes clear when i'm using 4 midi tracks and it still happens (not so often) when writing a single track.
If you run into it again, see if you can export a MIDI file so I can see if I can replicate it on here. One thing to note - if you're using quad tracking, you have to turn off "anti repetition" for dt guitars 1 & 2. That might fix it.
welcome ! Glad you've found the time to write here. Quad tracking is a great bonus but i have to say that i still came across phasing when using 4 separate midi tracks in cubase 5. It becomes clear when i'm using 4 midi tracks and it still happens (not so often) when writing a single track.

I actually had the same issue, and this response from Zircon (one of the developers on S2) seems to have solved it:

OK I know the issue. It's when you have guitars 1&2 on with 'anti-repetition'. That is not compatible with guitars 3+4 because the anti-repetition script option adds more RRs by transposing nearby zones, and that's how guitars 3+4 work too. A little annoying I know, but at the moment I don't have any other solution.

Since I followed that advice, I haven't run into any phasing at all, at least not that I can remember, when quad or double tracking.