shriek vocals

The way I shriek is almost like how I growl. Its hard to explain. I just learned it from experimentation. I was lisetning to Crimson Moonlight alot, and eventually my Shreik became somwhat like their vocalist, but a little more shrill. Just experiment.

I suggest you listen to "Painful Mind Contradiction" from Crimson Moonlight. I imagine it would influence your shrieking.
fuck, I wish i knew too..

falsetto is easy. under breath ever easier.

I need more range, my shits too low end. but I dunno. fuck.

i agree that falsetto is cheap, but clean singing falsetoo is acceptable in my eyes (ex. queen, queens of the stone age, etc. etc.)

dam this world.
Hey mind a new noobish vocals... Wat is falsetto? i am new to this vocals thing but really seek to improve... Wat does it mean?
Sing in an irish accent, woops it says shriek vocals, not shrek vocals.