Shure condensers for acoustics


Dec 14, 2005
Pavia - Italy
I got my hands on a few Shure condensers, I wanted to know if anyone had any experience with these and their impressions. I need them for recording acoustic and classical guitars mainly, and also as overheads for drums.

Two Shure BG4.1
One Shure 16A

And since we're at it, how do you guys usually record acoustics? Paired condensers, I suppose, but what about the placement? I learned about the dummy head micing technique and tried it out, anyone use it?

Any comments welcome!
Unless the acoustic is the focal point in the mix, I'll record it mono with one mic. A big stereo acoustic can clutter up a mix when you add a lot of other instruments.

A lot of people recommend an XY stereo setup, but I always tend to use a spaced pair. I also had good results slightly blending in a DI from the acoustic as well. I usually don't do that.
Actually I have to record an interlude, and the acoustic guitars are the main part of it...
How do you setup the XY, near the bridge? And what about the spaced pair, 12th fret and bridge?
Actually I have to record an interlude, and the acoustic guitars are the main part of it...
How do you setup the XY, near the bridge? And what about the spaced pair, 12th fret and bridge?

It's all about just putting on some headphones and finding the best spots. This can take a long time, but it's worth it. People will tell you this and that all day and none of it will hold any weight when you actually get down to the wire and start recording. There's so many variables, it's best just to go in and figure it out yourself.
I recorded a demo for a friends band. They have acustic guitars in every song.

I took 3 mics. E606 in front of the rythem hand. Sm57 for the sound the players is hearing.

And nt2a Rode for the room sound.

When you use headphones and a klick , you can forget the sm57 and the rode.

When you doing this thing you need at first real real real ... close headphones.

Hope this one helps
Ok, tried a couple of settings, getting better but I'm still a bit far from satisfied. I think I'm gonna drop those BG4.1 condenseres since I'm having a HUGE issue with hiss/noise, I suppose those mics are quite crappy after all...