Sick as a dog over here....


Chinese fighter pilot
Jun 22, 2004
Ranch on Mars
Man I tell ya, I hate being sick!! For the past week I've had sore throat, stuffy nose, and I've been coughing up big, green blobs of pure evil.


Man I tell ya, I hate being sick!! For the past week I've had sore throat, stuffy nose, and I've been coughing up big, green blobs of pure evil.



You clearly need a new dealer. I think that crap you're shootin' is laced with mercury. :lol:

Just kiddin'. Sorry to hear you caught that bullet. I hear there's no dodging it this year.

15 bucks and a shot in the arm might of dome the trick for me this year... They offered flu shots at work again this year so I thought I'd give it a go...


Get well Bartman!

And don't launch any evil green blobs on those you love!!:lol:
Aww man, being sick sucks, especially when the weather is starting to get nice. Feel better soon, hon!
Honey, warm green tea, vitamin c, rest, and plenty of lovin and you should be feeling back to good health in no time.

Get to feeling better! :)
Yeah....and mine is pretty stubborn. I usually shake these things after two days of Thera Flu and Airbourne. Not this time. I'm freekin miserable today, still.
I have a ton of work top do and can barely get in a few hours a day because this damn thing is bringing me down. I just can't get better.
Mine hung on for a total of 14 days! Usually when I get a cold/flu/ only lasts maybe 4-5 days, but this thing kicked my arse.:Puke:

Get well Steve-O.

Damn. Brett was sick last week..Koelling & his daughter were sick last week..thought I'd dodged the bullet & not caught the crud from any of them, but no such luck; I feel like overcooked reheated ass today. :(
Damn. Brett was sick last week..Koelling & his daughter were sick last week..thought I'd dodged the bullet & not caught the crud from any of them, but no such luck; I feel like overcooked reheated ass today. :(

That sucks! Drink plenty of Irish whiskey...sure you'll still be sick, but ya won't be carin'. :kickass:

Take care.

Koelling, didn't I tell you last night to knock it off with the being sick thing? :p

Oh great. Now Brett's going to figure us out. So much for being discrete. LOL. All joking aside, I hope you didn't catch that from being here on Saturday. It's going from one person to the next, and by the time anyone gets rid of it they're getting it right back from someone they gave it to the week before. I need a huge air tight bubble! Who needs to breath anyway? I heard it's over rated. :OMG:

Hope you feel better Jaxie!
Oh great. Now Brett's going to figure us out. So much for being discrete. LOL. All joking aside, I hope you didn't catch that from being here on Saturday. It's going from one person to the next, and by the time anyone gets rid of it they're getting it right back from someone they gave it to the week before. I need a huge air tight bubble! Who needs to breath anyway? I heard it's over rated. :OMG:

Hope you feel better Jaxie!

aAH!! YOU Bastards:lol:

Dude that'S what I'm afraid of.. I'm feeling much better now and I don't want to catch it back from Jax...:Puke::ill::lol:

The funk is goin' 'round work right now too...

Get well Bubble boy! You too bebe, we need to go to D&Bs for the Sharks game of the month Friday night!!:heh::heh: I'll get the chicken soup...:cool: