Sickest Band Ever?

Pulling the morbid stiffs
From the damp, sepulchral tomb
Harvesting the rotten
My vocation, to exhume
Methanous tissues removed
With procedures so emetic
A sordid conflagration
Your corpse is quite pathetic

Dissecting body parts, disinhumed
As my head starts to reel from the fumes

Consuming the cadaverous chyme
Sopped up from the crypt
I morbidly dissect
As jellified muscles are ripped
Oozing thoracic pulp
Is thoroughly molested
Engorged with cankerous phlegm
I've left you quite congested

Grinding the dead into slaw
As formaldehyde drips from my maw
Committing your remains to the mud
Eternally, you'll rot
You're only flesh and blood
That was beautiful!!! Honestly..i like that...very ummm disgusting...however that cannot take the taco in gross...i guess a band has yet to truly shock me...
Deicide used to take animal organs and meat and blood and intestines and leave em out for a couple of days to rot and stink horribly, and then they'd stuff em in manequins and toss em to the crowd and the crowd would rip em apart and everybody would be covered in animal blood, entrails, and puke and they'd stink for a week, would that gross you out if you were there?
actually, it's enough for one to work in a milk factory, pungent stench all around, like summer breeze....

Mortician,.... :D
Only a little bit Guerilla...if i were there id probably would ignore it...i have a very very strong stomach..
and Morticians' jobs arent that think working in a lard factory would be sicker than that...
I'd say the sickest of all bands is... AC/DC!
To be half-serious, I think the sickest is Aborted (half of you might not know 'em). They play this funky grind-gore-splatter death metal, with a more-than-healthy dose of disqust. Hail Aborted!

P.S: Don't bury your dead... Recycle 'em