fuck Michael Moore. I will boycott this movie.
What part of society is Michael Moore annoyed about now?
I was in the same system you were bro. There's a HUGE difference between NHC and MILITARY health care. Military doctors and physicians are in the military for a reason, because they suck ass. However, if you are actually in need of aid and aren't getting it from your corpsman, then you need to go see your battalion surgeon or a higher ranking officer, or hell even your company commander. The fact that it is free does ease the tension a bit though.
but here is the thing, good doctors/surgeons cant have the government looking over their shoulder constantly. doctors need to be left to progress on their own. thats how medical breakthroughs happen. same thing for the Rx drug industry. though i agree the costs are too high, government control is not the answer. same goes for health insurance.
everything the government touches turns to shit. we need less government oversite, across the fucking board
The Air Force docs are pretty good.
I despise Moore's movies because he is in them. His intentions seem good, but he is terribly at conveying his ideas so that people take him seriously.
The Air Force docs are pretty good.
You have a napalm death logo in your sig but your against the message in his movies?