
Breakthroughs? Is that why you get half of the pharmacutecals put out and things happen that aren't suppossed to? Like to treat back pain, you "could" end up vomiting, having a heart attack, dying, discomfort or skin rashes. Great.
Health care as a private business is awful.

People's opinions on Moore seem to be a ham handed attempt to sit on a fence. Can't watch a 'biased' documentary? I won't even begin to dissect the stupidity of that statement. I mean, I like you GR, but think about it for a minute.

Health Care should always be specialized for the military, however, it's failing miserably in domestic cases.
I really don't think the government here could do a better job with healthcare than corporations (though both go hand in hand these days..)

The problem with socializing health care is that you have to deal with malpractice suits. Who is at fault in a malpractice case, the doctor, whose malfeasance and dereliction caused this case to happen or the government, who pays the doctor's salary, hires the doctor and provides the doctor with any compulsory training the government might require?
Health care as a private business is awful.

People's opinions on Moore seem to be a ham handed attempt to sit on a fence. Can't watch a 'biased' documentary? I won't even begin to dissect the stupidity of that statement. I mean, I like you GR, but think about it for a minute.

Health Care should always be specialized for the military, however, it's failing miserably in domestic cases.

well, compare moore's movies to a random documentary, lets say about the mating season of gazelles (sp?). a regular documentary would show their mating habits, pregnancy and stuff like that right? moore's version of that documentary would be "watch this, i'm gonna grease up this female gazelles hind quaters. now watch what happens... ya see that, he slipped and accidentally missed the pussy and hit the gazelles asshole, that's because bush is the devil".

ok, thats an exaggeration. but my point is that moore doesnt just look for bad things to happen, he makes bad things happen so he can attack people he doesnt like.
ok, thats an exaggeration. but my point is that moore doesnt just look for bad things to happen, he makes bad things happen so he can attack people he doesnt like.

I mean, please provide an example of this. :goggly:

My point was that unless everyone is just sitting there doing nothing, every documentary that takes a stance on anything is going to be biased.

points out every lie in fahrenheit 911. is that a good enough place to start?

I've seen this. If you think it's any less of a propaganda piece than F 9/11, you're mistaken. Not to mention, Michael Moore might get annoying at times, but Zell Miller is a fucking psychopath. And how can anyone take a documentary featuring Ann Coulter, a noted (media) circus act, seriously?

The thread was about Sicko, which is much more about tackling a problem which in my eyes should not be controversial at all; our ass backwards health-care system. Dramatic examples are needed to wake up the comfortable high middle class. Anti-Abortion advocates claim that abortion destroys a human life, well what about the insurance company that decides to deny multiple claims, resulting in the preventable death of walking, talking, developing children?
well, i think you have to fight psychos with psychos (and by the way, its all relative. i think moore is a psycho, and you may not). and remember, zell didnt direct this, alan peterson did. but for every far left piece out there, you need a far right piece. i think what we can draw from those two movies is that the truth is somewhere in the middle. and i'm just happy there was someone out there willing to make a movie to refute moore. moore's word is often taken as gospel, and someone needs to have a stage large enough to say "hey, moore may not be correct about this".

but ok, back to sicko then.

i havnt seen the flick yet. what's moore's plan to fix our healthcare system? does he lay anything out?

i hate the guy, but if he has an idea, i'd be willing to read it. but i bet it has somthing to do with socialized medicine, which i think is a bad idea. but i'll give it a shot.
besides stricter gun control only keeps guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. criminals can just get them through illegal means.
besides stricter gun control only keeps guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens.

Not if it were done correctly, but this is easier said. There may be an exception or two though. If my neighbor were psychopathic/homicidal, but had a clean criminal record, I wouldn't want him/her to be buying guns freely (especially if I had young children).

criminals can just get them through illegal means.

This is true, many can. That doesn't mean you say fuck it, just let 'em buy their guns legally. The laws must be reworked and better methods of enforcement must be developed.
ok, so gun control leads to people getting shot, which leads to people going to the hospital, which leads to michael moore poking around your hospital room trying to snap some footage for his movie.

just trying to make a connection here.
Michael Moore is a douchebag. I thought it was funny how just because some peoples lives are ruined by guns that certain places should not be able to sell bullets or people who us guns should feel guilty when they did not do anything. Why should a majority have to suffer because of people who do not follow the rules. I do not even own/shoot guns and things like this still get on my nerves. The guy is making millions of dollars now and everyone is putting money in his wallet. If anything he's sitting in some huge house laughing about how dumb we are by listening to his bullshit. I remember when he wheeled some kid around and tried to get people to feel bad sorry and responsible because some asshole shot him. Shit happens
besides stricter gun control only keeps guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. criminals can just get them through illegal means.

I know! Then they'll all go on a shooting rampage and kill all the innocent law-abiding citizens!! And then what?! Anarchy will reign, that's what!! Why, just look at Australia!! And England!! Actually, hang on, don't. You might find that your logic is completely flawed.