New Michael Moore documentary "Sicko"

Michael Moore is a piece of crap. Yay to Ken's viewpoint. There are plenty of things wrong with America's health care system. Socializing it definitely isn't the answer, if that's his proposal (I haven't seen the movie, nor any propaganda regarding the movie, nor do I wish to pay any money in support of that kook's opinions).
Michael Moore has an agenda and that's for sure. But then, your country has one of the biggest assholes in living memory for a president. I say give them both a chainsaw and a broadsword, put them in an octagon and let them fuck each other up good...... with Inferno on as a backing track, naturally... :heh:
We're told to do our own research after watching the documentary... but I'm sure to a lot of people, the documentary IS our research. Doc's are supposed to be factual, aren't they? I haven't seen any Moore movies, but if you're saying they're opinion-based, that would definitely be a large fault. Some people choose to read books to find facts, and others choose T.V.
Oh no, everything authored by human hands is biased. My issue with Moore is that he, among others, attempts to clothe his opinion in facts such that it appears to the uninformed viewier to BE irreputable fact. His snippets of "research" for his "documentary" are carefully chosen to paint his stage of drama upon which he preaches his mind. Rather than a professional documentary, in which the creators attempt to provide as much information as possible to inform the viewer/reader of the situation, and allow them to draw conclusions, Moore and others like him use the information (less of it than I would require for a serious documentary, and much of it speculative/hearsay) in order to support a conclusion he has already arrived at.

In short, it's masquerading as the scientific method while covertly undermining it.
Only first world nation without socialized health care.

While it sucks that many people in America don't have health insurance, SOCIALIZED healthcare is NOT the answer. Socialization of our helathcare industry will simply make all of our choices much more limited. That's not what capitalism is about. If the government wants to implement some sort of national health insurance system for those who can't afford it, that's fine. But don't lump me into this system when my (and most other Americans) employer has a system that works perfectly well.

The last thing we need in America is MORE government invovlement in our lives.
Unfortunately, voting Republican isn't much of an alternative nowadays. Except for Ron Paul, they are the same old shit we've been force fed the last 6-1/2 years. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for the way they've conducted themselves over Bush's reign. Our debt has skyrocketed and he doesn't seem to care. They bitch about the Democrats "tax and spend" reputation while their "tax-cut and spend" philosophy is 10 times worse. Let's spend like there is no tomorrow, and collect less money to do it.

Anyway, anyone who truly cares about these issues, learn about Ron Paul, PLEASE!!! He's the only candidate in the field who has proven himself to be a defender of the Constitution. If we don't elect a guy like him, don't bitch about the same old shit the government is feeding you.

My signature has a link to his web site. Don't trust what the media tells you about the candidates. Learn for yourself and support the best candidate, whoever you think that may be.
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it seem like I'm a 2 party advocate. I'm not even a Republican, I'm a Libertarian, as I think both parties are crossing lines they shouldn't. The Democrats have the right idea on social issues (somewhat, definitely not entirely) but they're hopelessly misguided on monetary policy. The Republicans are the flip flop, they are supposed to be for smaller government (which we know is a joke nowadays) but they get all wrapped up in social garbage that our government shouldn't be involved in at all (like the proposed gay marriage ban).

I wholehertedly support 3rd parties, independent parties, etc. Ron Paul is a Libertarian who is doing what he can to promote liberty within the Republican party. If the Republicans acted the way they should, there wouldn't be a need for the Libertarian party. But considering the choices there are right now, Ron Paul is the best candidate in the field who has any name recognition at this point. The Libertarians aren't even planing to nominate anyone until next summer, and whoever it is will most likely have no chance of winning. I hate to say that, but it's true. Ron Paul at least has a chance to make a name for himself and with the right support, and capitalizing on the general public's attitude towards politicians in general, he might actually have a shot at winning the GOP nomination. Nothing is impossible when people finally wake up to the fact that THEIR government is fucking them over regularly. We've had major shifts in government before, it can happen again.
@ SilentRealm: Confused I am lol! No I was trying to say no body is wrong in this matter! Accept those who say he is a genious, that he is not! I meant to say that Kenneth and others are correct, but at the same time so is DGS, also charris is correct! Hate or love him, he does open eyes! And whether or not his an asshole, who cares! I mean everyone is assholes now days, we do live in a fucked up world and about every person ever to run for president or any position in the cabinet is assholes... ANd they get paid to do it, why stop there? The police everyone!
done it.
Well, your system there is just shit. Come on man, make these things free like in a normal country...
Yes, you pay a helluva lot more taxes here, but damn, I'm healthy.

Though I must say the view of France is overrated.
I'm healthy myself, and I don't get that way through higher taxes to pay for all the gluttons stuffing themselves with Big Macs and french fries. Americans are some of the most obese and unhealthy people around - I'd hate to see how much my taxes would go up just to cover the health costs of some of the kids I see at Home Town Buffet. Fuck that.