
Fozzie ... Did you just fold to the nurse? Say it ain't so. :loco:

Haha, naww just saying I don't want to cause tension and such when I'm ranting away. I fully stand by every single thing I said and still don't consider myself a hypocrite.
There was a TV show on last night here that was telling people that they should stop buying insurance. The point was, national health insurance is pretty damned good, why are you wasting so much money on additional private insurance or on specific shit like cancer insurance?
I pay $21 a month for health insurance, so forgive me if I don't give a rat's ass if the coon down the street has to wait in line at the free clinic for his methadon.
Apple cider vinegar now cures my dandruff. Wife calls me Salad Head. Shit got me off acid reflux pills back when I started this thread. Hooray for valid solutions.

LOL @ internet rants. LOL @ caring. Who gives a shit? :Spin:
yeah ... OJ did it for me about a decade ago ... getting off the Prilosec and other crap.
I've had dandruff for a little while now but can't find any dandruff shampoo.

I went to a doctor two days ago for a sore throat and he prescribed FIVE fucking kids of medication. Christ, do I really need such a drug cocktail for a sore throat?
Yes, you do. I'm not a doctor so all I fucking know it was strep throat. If not treated, can't strep throat develop into something much worse that can end up doing heart damage?

Ah, yes. I just checked with the Mayo Clinic website.

"It's important to identify strep throat for a number of reasons. If untreated, strep throat can sometimes cause complications such as kidney inflammation and rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can lead to painful and inflamed joints, a rash and even damage to heart valves. "
I had costochondritis a few years ago. It's cool because every symptom is IDENTICAL to that of a heart attack, but it's completely harmless. Can't breathe, feels like someone sitting on your chest, numb back and arms, etc. It lasts for weeks and sometimes months. Rib cage cartilage inflammation, I was lucky because it only lasted about a week for me. The treatment is basically "take some Motrin, try not to breathe much" and wait it out.

Being human is a pain in the ass. It's bad enough our minds are fucked up most of the time, but then our bodies turn against us too. THANKFULLY OBAMACARE WILL SAVE OUR COLLECTIVE SICKNESS.