Side Projects

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
I have began writting music for a new un-SOB related metal project.
It will feature Dan Clarke of SOB too.
I am going for Bolt Thrower meets Arcturus with some BM in there too.

Post your bands, projects or ideas

I know Mike has Darkend Soul and Mired in Twilight Marshall Dark Ambient stuff

And Dave Coppolla does Invertia - Industrial Black Metal
Nosferion - Primitive black metal in the vein of Judas Iscariot, Burzum, Blasphemy, Celtic Frost, etc. Released an EP on Blackthorne productions in 2002; will try to record + release another album this summer. I'm also starting a prog rock band with the rhythm section of my band Vex, the guitarist frrom Ruins of Honor and the vocalist from Vows in Ashes. We're going for something in the vein of Porcupine Tree/Gentle Giant/Uriah Heep/King Crimson/Ambrosia.

-which is, of course, not to suggest that any of this matters :Smug:- for my metally stuff (no vocals yet) for my acoustic stuff

Cool stuff man, I just went to the first link and am listening to "A Rainy Day" Cool guitar riffs man!
A slower one just started. Thanks for sharing man, I dig your playing!
Now to check out the acoustic stuff. Hey is this like an alternitive Myspace or something? It's kinda cool!

Ok I'll post later when I hear all of your stuff man. Keep up the great work!
Sounds like a really interesting idea.

Thanks man, It's been something on my mind for some years now. Basically, I have a slew of guitar riffs that won't fit with SOB, so I usually record the idea and come back to re-visit every so often. The amount of stuff I have now is just rediculous!

I also Have a Black Metal think with Troll who poste here, we have only played together once, But I was left feeling great about the music. So call me bitch!
Nosferion - Primitive black metal in the vein of Judas Iscariot, Burzum, Blasphemy, Celtic Frost, etc. Released an EP on Blackthorne productions in 2002; will try to record + release another album this summer. I'm also starting a prog rock band with the rhythm section of my band Vex, the guitarist frrom Ruins of Honor and the vocalist from Vows in Ashes. We're going for something in the vein of Porcupine Tree/Gentle Giant/Uriah Heep/King Crimson/Ambrosia.

-which is, of course, not to suggest that any of this matters :Smug:-

I'll definitely be checking that stuff out, at the moment, I am still chjecking out Will's stuff.

I'll post back when the time comes. I am excited about this thread, It's a cool way to hear new tunes and also know the peeps that you have been chatting with, that much more intimately.

Thanks guys!
Cool stuff man, I just went to the first link and am listening to "A Rainy Day" Cool guitar riffs man!
A slower one just started. Thanks for sharing man, I dig your playing!
Now to check out the acoustic stuff. Hey is this like an alternitive Myspace or something? It's kinda cool!

Ok I'll post later when I hear all of your stuff man. Keep up the great work!

Thanks! I gotta get a new band started up. I'm itching to play metal again. HMM is like an alternative myspace... you can host more songs, they have better quality... but there is more spamming, so the only thing I can see it being used for is song hosting.