Signature pics

god damnit (kid)...learn to search :D
Hi guys,

Due to some unfortunate abuse by certain members, we have had to make the decision to temporarily disable the ability to place images in signatures - this is due to some people placing large images in their signatures, causing unnecessary loading times and scrolling for other members and guests.

We hope that this is only a short-term solution, and that we can implement other ways of disabling large linked images, but for now this is necessary action to take to make viewing UM easier for the majority.

Hopefully you all understand.

see ya dude, come online to MSN ;)
I understand Mark's decision, there are some boards on UM where ppl make a contest out of having huge sigs. Annoying as hell. Hope it'll be solved tho, and there'll be some kind of size limit.
I say keep images out of sigs. Sigs can be nice but I'll keep them off as long as we have people with large images in their sigs.
I think banners for band are OK, as long as they aren't huge.. any sig over 12 lines or so really isn't necesarry though.
Big pictures in sigs piss me off. It makes the page take a long time to load (i don't have a fast connection at the moment), you have to scroll down a lot, etc