Signed Nightwish for sale


Spilled Cup of Oceansoul
Aug 13, 2007
I got several things signed at the concerts (CD, promo poster, and....THE PLUSHIES!!!!!!!!) and honestly, I'm not a person for signatures. I'm happy just to hear the music and have gotten the chance to interact with the band. Also, I've been having unfortunate trouble with my job search >_>;

So here are several things for sale that are Nightwish related as well as some other things.... pass along the link to anyone you think might be interested, I would appreciate it :)
Bumping this because the auctions end in 14 hours.

<_< I have several watchers on stuff but I dunno if anyone is buying!
The plushies have been relisted for $10 each if that helps ;p

That kinda sucks because they cost $15+ to make, not counting the 8-10 hours making them and the waiting in line for signatures ^_~
That's messed up. Those plushies are pure awesomeness. Hell, i'm surprised you can even part with them at all after Emppu played with his and declared that he is Batman, and Tuomas thoroughly inspected (and seemed to approve) of his. In my admittedly biased opinion, those things are worth a hell of a lot more than $10 or even $15 each.

Never mind Anette's reaction. It would almost be worth it to leave hers as it was, just for the memory of that reaction hehe.

Those plushies most certainly get the:


Heh, that's just a little joke thing i made when bored last night :p
Yeah but you know I'm not much of a Stuff person and with all the moving about I do, I just don't have the space. They actually were in a storage locker for a year when I shared the apartment with Trevor. And they deserve better than that. Also you know I can take all the money I can get right now ;)

What is most important to me are the memories and pictures help more with that than anything. Just like I don't really care about signatures, that's just letters on paper....big deal.... the real joy was getting to be that close to the band and to talk with them and hear/see their reactions.

LOL yeah Tuomas... he was VERY thorough about it. And perhaps a bit weirded out but impressed at the same time XDD Actually they were all pretty thorough, he was the most....but Jukka specifically was comparing the tattoos and making sure I got all of them XDD
4 or 5 plushies, 5 or 6 care bears, 7 or 8 dragon statues, 9 or 10 computer parts........

I've got to make the cut-off somewhere because that shit adds up.

Ideally, I'd like to fit all my crap in one load in my car but my computer chair and bed make that pretty unlikely :p
XD I'm also probably much more conservative than the average person about keeping Stuff minimal. I don't think people move around nearly as much as I do and believe me, when you are packing, unpacking, repacking, unloading, etc stuff.... the less the better X_x;; I've already moved 4x since college and I've only been out for 2 years.
awww...poor Zellie...our Oceansoul vagabond ;)

But yeah, I've never been much of a packrat of my roomies at college however, OMG, it took him FOREVER to pack up when the year ended, you had to see it :lol:
Haha, I believe it! My housemate at college had a huge SUV, could fill that and still needed a truck for all his crap. Yeesh, we were at college, not settling down for the next 10 years!