"SikTh" part 2 = "Aliases"?


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden

Just found a post made by "Aliases" at Cloudkicker's MySpace and the post included the name "Pin". It instantly caught my attention and I went to check out "Aliases" at MySpace and it indeed sounds like it's Pin from SikTh being involved in some project. Sounds like SikTh version 2 basically. Anyone know anything about this?
No vocals on the clips at their MySpace yet.

But seriously.. SikTh had the most awesome fucking vocalists ever, how can you say that bro'? You're hurting my tiny feelings =( Hehe, just joking. But I still disagree with them being bad!
No vocals on the clips at their MySpace yet.

But seriously.. SikTh had the most awesome fucking vocalists ever, how can you say that bro'? You're hurting my tiny feelings =( Hehe, just joking. But I still disagree with them being bad!

I think the harsh vocals sound terrible, and the clean vocals sound GAYYYYY - like most other bands of this style. At least, in the songs I've heard. If I could hear Bland Street Bloom with vocals more like JFAK's, I would piss myself.

But that's just me... the music rules though. I've noticed I'm very picky when it comes to the vocalists of the bands I listen to :lol: