Silicon Messiah review (sort of)

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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I finally got Blaze's SM cd. My wife got tired of me whining about import fees etc...and got it for me for xmas. Cool.
I had only heard brief sound clips of the album, and my expectations were that I would be probably not like this cd as a whole very much. I've posted on here before about my dislike of Blaze's voice, so here is my review of the cd.

It's one of the best metal albums I've ever heard. The songs fit Blaze's voice perfectly. He sounds much more confident with this material. This album is a perfect example of how important it is for a singer to have songs to sing that are in their own vocal range.

The music is excellent. The individual performances by all musicians are excellent as well.

I think this cd should have been huge.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Never heard it. I'm in the same boat as you..I never much liked Blaze's voice.

..but I respect your opinion. I'd love to hear it. One of you guys mind cutting a sample .mp3 off the CD and mailing it to me?

How bad was it to import?