Silly Americans... Haha watch this!

The thing of America i dont like is what's under your name Evil Dead: "100% Pure American Hatred"
It looks as if you Americans (not all ;)) think yourself as superior to the rest of the world. Im not saying that you do, but alot of Americans do see America as the great leader of the world.
I don't want to get overly political or anything but here's one thing about Katrina. People blame the government for not stepping in and helping them and blah blah blah. Well they're correct because most of the resources for that sort of thing went to securing our nation's fuel production. About 1/3 of all oil and natural gas production was damaged by Katrina. It's good to know that not only will the higher-ups go to war over energy, they'll also neglect their own citizens to protect their own energy.


And yeah there are people that stupid. I couldn't even watch the whole video it was that bad. And I hate my nation's preoccupation with trivial celebrity shit. That's why I never watch the news.
The thing of America i dont like is what's under your name Evil Dead: "100% Pure American Hatred"
It looks as if you Americans (not all ;)) think yourself as superior to the rest of the world. Im not saying that you do, but alot of Americans do see America as the great leader of the world.

Only a matter of time before it all crumbles, just like the Romans, Germans, Greeks,... the empire is collapsing from within. If only 10% of the US knew about the new national ID, the North American Union Act,.... but yeah I can understand that some radio host making news is more important than the 40+ soldiers already dead this month and now we have a brand new shooting to keep our minds away from other issues ... in the mean time, the senate and the house keep passing laws.
The problem in America is this overzealous patriotism and finger pointing while keeping 80% of the population in the dark. The gov hates people who ask/demand/wonder/act outside their circle,... well, I can guess the recent polls only speak for themselves. Most can just keep on going and think a bunch of people living in the desert will invade or nuke this country and point the finger to the sky for answers while some of the educated and informed ones are being labeled un-American .... but please don't come crying in 10-20 years.

While bullshit news make 90% of the US media news, the rest flies under the radar and keeps the masses blind. At least, mot of this board seems informed.
And that's why ever since I was eligible to vote I've written Cobra Commander into the ballot.

I remember a few weeks ago on the news when the US was fucking gripped by some slut's death. A reporter said something to the effect of why are we reporting on this trivial garbage when there is a war on? And there was a huge outcry against him calling him insensitive and that he did not understand the dynamics of the American media or some such bullshit.
The thing of America i dont like is what's under your name Evil Dead: "100% Pure American Hatred"
It looks as if you Americans (not all ;)) think yourself as superior to the rest of the world. Im not saying that you do, but alot of Americans do see America as the great leader of the world.

Superjoint Ritual. Album sucked but I liked the title. I'm proud to be American but I am just as ashamed of every dumbass white trash American or moron minority here as the next guy.

And my title, I want it to say "I stuffed your wife like a Turkey" but it wont let me change it so the hatred stays :rock:
The Late Show with David Letterman has had a segment on for years where they pull some idiot off the street, ask an easy question, and then everyone laughs at the stupid responses. I’m sure I’ve seen this format elsewhere as well. The twist this time – those stupid Americans. Funny; though not all that original. Perhaps this is cutting edge humor elsewhere.
The best comment was from the jogging black guy who said " I get confused between the plalistines and isralei's..............which are the ones throwing rock!?" :goggly:
The Late Show with David Letterman has had a segment on for years where they pull some idiot off the street, ask an easy question, and then everyone laughs at the stupid responses. I’m sure I’ve seen this format elsewhere as well. The twist this time – those stupid Americans. Funny; though not all that original. Perhaps this is cutting edge humor elsewhere.
You bet your ass it's funny as hell when your #1 trades partner is imposing illegal tariffs and such to purposely kill your economy, because we refused to send out troops, who in the last war had to beg for used T-shirts and boots of any Americans they ran into in the dessert or else they'd have been naked, to another war we cannot afford to equip them for and one our majority government didn't feel was warranted. When you're in that seat, you find their balls and twist, just like they did to you. It's very funny then.
You bet your ass it's funny as hell when your #1 trades partner is imposing illegal tariffs and such to purposely kill your economy, because we refused to send out troops, who in the last war had to beg for used T-shirts and boots of any Americans they ran into in the dessert or else they'd have been naked, to another war we cannot afford to equip them for and one our majority government didn't feel was warranted. When you're in that seat, you find their balls and twist, just like they did to you. It's very funny then.

I’m not trying to have a political debate. I said it’s not original, and it isn’t, this has been done before. A very similar segment has been running on Late Night with David Letterman for many years. Granted it’s an American asking another American a question, but often the questions are about politics or geography. The punch line is the same however – laugh at the moron’s response. This is not new and unless these comedians have never heard of David Letterman it borders on a rip off.
Bates: Polish.
Joemax: I knew what you meant, but I meant that sometimes things that have already been done become new and shiny and funny again when you've a reason to want someone to look really bad. And it is political, whether you like it or not. It's just funny to sock it to the know it all bully when you can, and in the rest of the world, the know it all bully of the day is the US. Besides, just because Leno and Letterman aren't new to you doesn't mean the humor isn't new to Timbuktu - these were Aussie and Canuck commedians. Plenty of movies and TV shows that have been huge in Europe get re-made for Americans (Full Monty, The Office, 300 just to name a few) - they weren't original, but they still raked in a shitload of mullah. That's what counts in Hollywood-land, right? And besides, it is always amazing that no matter how hard you try to educate people, you can awlays find dumbasses. Even when it's the same question over and over again, you will still get a new and even stupider answer to it if you ask again. Look at Candid camera. Old skits, new responses. Leno and Letterman have proven that repeatedly, too.
Bates: Polish.

Hey I'm Polish!

I hear ya Tyra. I understand, the US is at the top of the shit heap right now (and it is a shit heap) so it's an easy target.

The US is a strange place. As Bates knows being from MA originally, and I'm sure you know Tyra as you sound well traveled, this country is so large and so diverse, there's not much that unites Americans. The state I live in is very liberal. Gay marriage is legal here, we have a black governor, it's very progressive.

I understand the frustration people feel with America. America is a bull in a china shop. It's just as frustrating for many people who live here. I just hope that people understand that elections can be won by razor thin majorities and that America is a very diverse place.
Oh wait, I remember who we make fun of.... Canadians! :D
It almost makes more sense to think of the US as something similar to the EU. With a common language and the divisions being less ethnically based, but more culturally based. It was supposed to be more along that lines, but it didn't quite work out. On this, I must disagree with my ancestors and say that the Anti-Federalists were right. :)