I don't get it.. "everyone says global warming isn't real"?
all i hear about is how global warming is a worldwide menace, how we'll all be dead in 200 years..etc.. at least where i live, people who deny global warming have no say, and they are considered as stupid or something.
But in my geography class we study climate and shit, and the teacher was saying that human activity was just one of the many causes of global warming (causes can be the distance of earth from the sun, variations of the sun's radioactivity of whatever, the inclination of earth..etc.. and shit like that).
First of all we are in a natural global warming era called the Holocene (well thats what its called in french) which started approximately 10 thousand years ago, so it should end in a few hundred years, after that there will be a new ice age which is set to last a few hundreds of thousands of years. And all through that "Holocene" there have been many mini global warmings, like every 300 years. The viking era's begining corresponds to one of these mini global warmings by the way.
Anyway, human activity is just one of the many reasons for global warming, but it might be the strongest reason..., other then that it is pretty natural.
Apparently, if this goes on the Gulf stream (a hot current going from carribean to western europe) will die off, so then winters in France and other western european countries would be as cold as in Canada (cause they are at the same lattitude). pretty cool i say