Silly Americans... Haha watch this!

i totally agree^
everyone says its not real, but all they need to do is just google it and spenf five minutes readin th facts instead of just denying the truth because they still 20 years they will know that we are right
The earth has climate changes all the time, they happen over hundreds of years. This isnt anything new.
Well, ähum...nobody said it was anything new, did they? It's the RATE OF WHICH IT IS OCCURING that is new, and the extremes at which it is occuring. What's been happening now, in the last tweny years or so, is what usually takes the better part of a millenia, and the fluctuations have never been this bad at any point in history (yes, this is part of my degree, and yes, you are entitled to your own opinion). And, if we try to reverse it, it'll be about 100 years before anyone sees any changes. We're dealing with mechanisms that are millions and millions of years old. Besides, just because someone did it for centuries doesn't mean it is right, does it? Most people kept slaves, beat their women and children, never brushed their teeth, ate with the same hand thet wiped their ass (when the wiped their ass) for a large part of our history. How come it's so easy to understand that "That was wrong, and now we know better, so we don't do it " in those terms, but nobody can understand that it is just not a good idea to abuse our natural resources etc. now that we know better ON MORAL GROUNDS??!! Because we're lazy (don't think so, then we'd still have slaves and children doing the work for us), inconsiderate (don't think so, then we'd still beat our women and kids) and because it's an inconvenience (Bingo!) or because no industrial country has yet learned to make money from it yet (Bingo again! So let's all cater to the lowest common denominator!)?
Rant done.
Frankly, I don't think that anyone who believes it isn't happening won't budge on their opinion until they actually learn about the damned water and carbon cycle.

And please, just because the word "Global Warming" has "warm" in it, it does not mean that is impossible to have any type of cooling or freezing properties at any point on the planet in any area...I mean ugh...:zombie:
I don't get it.. "everyone says global warming isn't real"?
all i hear about is how global warming is a worldwide menace, how we'll all be dead in 200 years..etc.. at least where i live, people who deny global warming have no say, and they are considered as stupid or something.

But in my geography class we study climate and shit, and the teacher was saying that human activity was just one of the many causes of global warming (causes can be the distance of earth from the sun, variations of the sun's radioactivity of whatever, the inclination of earth..etc.. and shit like that).
First of all we are in a natural global warming era called the Holocene (well thats what its called in french) which started approximately 10 thousand years ago, so it should end in a few hundred years, after that there will be a new ice age which is set to last a few hundreds of thousands of years. And all through that "Holocene" there have been many mini global warmings, like every 300 years. The viking era's begining corresponds to one of these mini global warmings by the way.
Anyway, human activity is just one of the many reasons for global warming, but it might be the strongest reason..., other then that it is pretty natural.

Apparently, if this goes on the Gulf stream (a hot current going from carribean to western europe) will die off, so then winters in France and other western european countries would be as cold as in Canada (cause they are at the same lattitude). pretty cool i say :)
I don't get it.. "everyone says global warming isn't real"?
all i hear about is how global warming is a worldwide menace, how we'll all be dead in 200 years..etc.. at least where i live, people who deny global warming have no say, and they are considered as stupid or something.

But in my geography class we study climate and shit, and the teacher was saying that human activity was just one of the many causes of global warming (causes can be the distance of earth from the sun, variations of the sun's radioactivity of whatever, the inclination of earth..etc.. and shit like that).
First of all we are in a natural global warming era called the Holocene (well thats what its called in french) which started approximately 10 thousand years ago, so it should end in a few hundred years, after that there will be a new ice age which is set to last a few hundreds of thousands of years. And all through that "Holocene" there have been many mini global warmings, like every 300 years. The viking era's begining corresponds to one of these mini global warmings by the way.
Anyway, human activity is just one of the many reasons for global warming, but it might be the strongest reason..., other then that it is pretty natural.

Apparently, if this goes on the Gulf stream (a hot current going from carribean to western europe) will die off, so then winters in France and other western european countries would be as cold as in Canada (cause they are at the same lattitude). pretty cool i say :)

Hell yeah.. i wouldnt mind it being that cold here either.... even though i am planning on moving my happy ass to Norway when i get all my shit together
I don't get it.. "everyone says global warming isn't real"?
all i hear about is how global warming is a worldwide menace, how we'll all be dead in 200 years..etc..
That's because you live in Europe. In the US, the debate is about 20 years behind. They're still debating if global warming exists, which is what Europe was doing 20 years ago when I left. I can remember coming here right after having visited the so called Black Forests (then reduced to sticks because of severe acid rain) and people laughing at me, saying there was no such thing as acid rain, it was all just a European left-wing poly meant to destroy the North American hardwood lumber industries. At that point, Sweden had been implementing strict rules for preventing acid rain, and putting pressure on Germany and Poland and other countries whose pollution we were receiving in Sweden, for about a deccade.
In Canada the problem is that we've a government that's trying to engratiate itself with the US (so they'll stop punishing us for not joining the war and for signing Kyoto) a t m, so then they dumb themselves down to their level, frustrating the shit out of the voters, who thought we'd already signed Kyoto and so on.
That's because you live in Europe. In the US, the debate is about 20 years behind. They're still debating if global warming exists, which is what Europe was doing 20 years ago when I left. I can remember coming here right after having visited the so called Black Forests (then reduced to sticks because of severe acid rain) and people laughing at me, saying there was no such thing as acid rain, it was all just a European left-wing poly meant to destroy the North American hardwood lumber industries. At that point, Sweden had been implementing strict rules for preventing acid rain, and putting pressure on Germany and Poland and other countries whose pollution we were receiving in Sweden, for about a deccade.
In Canada the problem is that we've a government that's trying to engratiate itself with the US (so they'll stop punishing us for not joining the war and for signing Kyoto) a t m, so then they dumb themselves down to their level, frustrating the shit out of the voters, who thought we'd already signed Kyoto and so on.

heh.... no such thing as acid rain eh???? retards
"They" probably knew, but they didn't want the general public to know, because the voters might get upset and want things done, and then the economy would go down while "they" were in office, and "they" didn't want that (which is exactly what happened, too).
I usually agree with Tyra 100% on many issues she has stated (even if I don' vocalize it); and I do once again. Unfortunately her comment shows the major flaw of American political culture :erk: