Silly Baby


Feb 8, 2003
New York
So today I cut up some bananas and put them on a little paper plate for my 9 mo. old. He immediately dumped all the bananas off and tried to eat the plate.

Uh oh.... wrong forum. Oops. Now what on earth have I posted on my baby forum? :oops:
Anybody here ever play army men with marbles?!?! You get two armies (the plastic posed kind) and line them up on different sides of the room. Then roll marbles at your opponents forces as if its "cannon" fire. Oh my it's such a fucking blast!
That sounds cool.

My son's birthday is a few days before mine, so we're going to share birthday parties. He'll be 1 this August, and now I can get him that Millenium Falcon and Candlemass CD's he's always been asking/gurgling for! :loco:
Atlas Shrugged said:
Anybody here ever play army men with marbles?!?! You get two armies (the plastic posed kind) and line them up on different sides of the room. Then roll marbles at your opponents forces as if its "cannon" fire. Oh my it's such a fucking blast!

Boys are so weird.:dopey:
Atlas Shrugged said:
Anybody here ever play army men with marbles?!?! You get two armies (the plastic posed kind) and line them up on different sides of the room. Then roll marbles at your opponents forces as if its "cannon" fire. Oh my it's such a fucking blast!
Dude my cousins used to have this fantasy toy things, they were like Dungeons and Dragons but more action figure-y. Fuckin' cannonballs, arrows, all kinds of shit. We used to have wars on their kitchen floor. :headbang:

I think they were pretty popular, I'm sure someone else knows what I'm talking about.
I think it did, but generally we just set them up w/o the board/die/whatever-it-was and played Kitchen Karnage. :dopey:

This was like 20 years and 14 zillion beers ago, so my memory isn't exactly distinct.
rings a bell... the best was playing AD&D with figurines and VERY loose rules.... it fucking pwned :kickass:

I almost enjoyed painting the figurines as much as playing with them.... Coming up with backstories and shit... I wanna get some Warhammer 40k shit (prolly gorka morka (sp) or something) cause the orks are fucking metal.

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