Erik is Dumb....


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
<swizzle> RC isn't moving much today
<spikes77> rgr that
<spikes77> make a solid thread
<spikes77> come on swizzle YOU CAN DO ITTT
<egj> JESUSF
<egj> FUCKI
<egj> CHRIST
<egj> i just
<egj> lol
<egj> cut my finger
<egj> like
<egj> pretty bad
<egj> oh jesus christ
<spikes77> lame
<spikes77> howd you do that?
<swizzle> I casted a spell on him
<egj> i played with a knife
<egj> JESUS
<spikes77> LOL
<spikes77> played with a knife
<spikes77> well shit
<spikes77> i imagine if its a knife worth its salt ITS SUPPOSE TO CUT YOU
<swizzle> I play with knifes all the tiem
<spikes77> i thought you were going to say i reached down into the mess that is my floor and just got cut
<spikes77> you people are crazy, playing with knives
<swizzle> i usually have one around me all the time... I use them to cut all the apples I eat
<egj> lmfao
<egj> no
<egj> kesus
<egj> arghhghjh
<spikes77> i play with my balls
<egj> it wasnt actually
<egj> it was a saw
<spikes77> a rusty saw?
<egj> it was one of those saws that fold together like
<spikes77> if its rusty, you should clean it
<egj> and it folded
<egj> on
<egj> why am i so absolutely fucking terribly dumbfucked
<egj> and i dont have
<egj> christ im bleeding on my keyboard
<spikes77> get some peroxcide
<spikes77> or something to clean it
<egj> some what
<egj> i dont have shit
<egj> and its 2 am
<spikes77> soap and water then
<egj> i cleaned it with water
<egj> but i think thats alright
<egj> JESUS
<egj> im fucking retarded
<swizzle> heh
<spikes77> someone get this kid a paper towel
<egj> i have
<egj> i now have my finger all wrapped up in paper towels
<egj> lol
<spikes77> good
<egj> jesus
<egj> how fucking dumb can you get
<spikes77> yea that was pretty stupid
<swizzle> I'm making a thread about this, fyi
<egj> lol
<egj> it feels like im losing like 40 liters of blood underneath the paper towels
<egj> but i guess im probably not
<egj> howlong does it take for something like this to heal
<egj> i dont have time for this shit
<spikes77> depends on the size of the cut
<spikes77> do you even have a band aid
<spikes77> is it your guitar picking hand
<egj> i have band aid but too big a cut
<egj> it just gets all bloody in like 5 seconds
<spikes77> lol thats so shit
<egj> and yeah it is
<spikes77> damn

Erik teh dumb!
<egj> but yeah its not all that large but its pretty deep
<egj> ok ya this is actually not dangerous or anything but im seriously fucking stupid
<spikes77> lol
<spikes77> you have to apply pressure, so it stops bleeding
<egj> yeah i have like
<egj> ugh
<egj> do i have any old shirt or shit i can cut up and tie around this
<egj> oh fuck this shit
<egj> i cba
<spikes77> lol!
<spikes77> cant be arsed?!
<egj> ill let it bleed til it stops bleeding
<egj> ya
<egj> i have paper towel around it
<spikes77> cant believe i figure that one out
<spikes77> just dont bleed on the stupid keyboard
<egj> nah
<egj> UGH
<spikes77> my next question wold be
<spikes77> why are you playing with a saw at 2 am
<egj> thats a real good one
<egj> i have no idea
<egj> its one of those pocket fold out multitools
<egj> with knife and a small saw and shit
<egj> im gonna cut up an old crappy tshirt and use that!
<spikes77> oo like a swiss army knife
<egj> ya except less fancy and not really
<egj> there
<egj> crisis averted
Doomcifer said:
lol, i dont do that shit anymore foo'...besides, i never dealt with my pals on Sundays anyways.

By "their" tv set, I was implying the one they were walking out of your living room with.
